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jueves, 9 de marzo de 2023

Signature Weapons That Weren’t Primed

There are only really two, one of which I get and one of which I don’t. So I’m gonna jump into it

Starting Out With: Gara

Gara was the first Warframe to have a complete signature arsenal (Primary, Secondary and Melee). While she did get her Astilla and Volnus primed, the only one that didn’t was her Fusilai. I understand why as Prime Frames are known to be released with only two weapons, and because Gara has three it was only reasonable to prime the only two weapons that players actually use.

Next up: Mirage

To anyone unaware, this girl does have a signature weapon, and it’s the Akzani. Now may I say, this weapon is not really that great. The only thing they have going for them is that they have the 3rd largest ammo reserves out of every secondary.

Now, this is weapon I don’t get why they didn’t prime, but I kinda have a bit of an understanding. The weapon is not great for mid-game (which is when you get Mirage’s blueprint and parts), and is only viable for very beginner levels (evidenced by its low MR requirement). The buff it gets when wielded by Mirage doesn’t really massively make it better either. Despite this, I think if DE had chosen to give it a massive buff if they released a prime Variant more people might at least consider it.

submitted by /u/Lunch-Lord
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/11n9tu2/signature_weapons_that_werent_primed/

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