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sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023

Who needs a "Grendel Style" rework next?

Grendel was "nerfed" in order to buff him, and it was amazing. His 1 was considered "unfun" for others so they nerfed it so that they could then buff the rest of his kit. He went from frame I would make jokes to one of my favorites.

For me, Limbo needs a similar treatment. He's not overpowered in the slightest but DE keeps nerfing him because its "unfun to be in a squad with a Limbo" so I feel his more disruptive aspects need tweaked/nerfed and the frame buffed overall.

What other frames in your opinions need this type of rework and why?

submitted by /u/13thZodiac
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/115p6pi/who_needs_a_grendel_style_rework_next/

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