warframe gameplay

Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: WF Community has a Self Esteem Problem

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jueves, 28 de abril de 2022

WF Community has a Self Esteem Problem

The more I interact with this community, the more I think that most of you really, really think lowly of yourselves. Of your time. Asking for something you think you deserve especially if you gave money for it is well within your right to demand accountability . So before I proceed, ( If you play this game for free feel and you feel like you are getting what you want, I'm not talking to you, lucky bastard) I am 2 years old in the community and today it kind of clicked that this behaviour is just absurd. Yeah, WF has nice people, sure. But it's this toxic cultish niceness and agreeableness. I hate it. I hate it because too much of anything is bad. I can't fault anyone for liking and defending the game as is but come on! So that's what it means to be a Warframe player? Just rolling with the punches? Then you are surprised when DE barely tries? It's because they know we won't do jackshit. When content creators try to rally the community oh they're problematic, oh I'm staying away from negativity, oh they're just mad there's no content for YouTube. Man I never thought I would agree with some people, but they're right. This community is a joke in that regard. Spineless, agreeable, selfish, apathetic. Yes very selfish. This is an MMO. Sure you can choose to enjoy the parts you enjoy and take what you will out of the game, but you can't play Warframe alone. Even as a solo player, the game can't be alive if you are the ONLY person online. Man it just pisses me off. (No hate to F2P players. But if you see me having discourse about the game somewhere and you start talking about it's free, well I can't do anything about it but I will go out of my way to remind you about how you are a stinky mooch who needs to stfu. The 'WF is free rhetoric' is still used seemingly because people can't grasp the importance of every player ultimately: F2P and paying to the games economy- Warframe wouldn't exist if no one paid, it's only free to you mostly because someone else paid) I'd rather the community was toxic, but at least didn't take shit from the developers and demanded accountability like EVE Online were doing. I'm sure as hell the game may have been different, but anyway. WF BEST COMMUNITY AMMIRIGHT. Very nice people.

submitted by /u/Rinnbot
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via IFTTT https://ift.tt/ljwhCd5 April 28, 2022 at 11:49PM

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