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miércoles, 27 de abril de 2022

I actually like the focus rework a lot

Hey guys, I've been seeing a lot of negative posts about the new void dash, and while yeah it is clunky, I still want to give DE credit for the good parts of the focus rework.

I really enjoy how different the focus schools feel now, and how useful many of the operator abilities are. The removal of the focus pool is a good change, now I actually feel more directly rewarded for grinding focus.

While the void sling is a lot slower, it makes investments into the void dash distance upgrades actually worth it, whereas before if you could press spacebar fast enough it basically didn't change much.

I just want to thank the hard workers at DE for the updates, even if everyone isn't completely on board!

submitted by /u/TomStealsJokes
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/udd1jo/i_actually_like_the_focus_rework_a_lot/

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