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Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: Post New War Stalker idea. *Second Dream & New War Spoiler Alert*

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miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

Post New War Stalker idea. *Second Dream & New War Spoiler Alert*

I don't want to say too much on the title but I feel like it was a missed opportunity not to improve or change the stalker system altogether.

I don't see the reason for him to hunt us anymore? I mean his hatred towards us is justified based on the lore but a lot of things have changed ever since the fall of the Orokin empire. There was also somewhat of a hint that the stalker could be one of us, given his abilities. He was feared and was a threat in the beginning but somewhat laughable now (I mean... even his acolytes are more of a threat than he is these days), not to mention his "boss" even chose to side with us in the New War. There should be some sort mutual respect going on after the NW?

Instead, the stalker can now be its own "faction" or syndicate and we can slowly gain favor and standing so we gain access to more of his back story and more importantly, his loot table. Not saying that I have been actively farming the stalker or anything but I have killed him a reasonable amount of times and I have never seen a broken war recipe nor the ephemera.

The new syndicated can be build towards what left of Hunhow's motivation or goals, just imagine all the other goodies he has to offer.

submitted by /u/AgentNeroz
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/u84szt/post_new_war_stalker_idea_second_dream_new_war/

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