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sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

[INT] [PC] [Clan] The Phoenix Guards are recruiting!

~Welcome to The Phoenix Guards~
We are a 700+ member, Rank 10 Moon Clan focused on community, high activity, and a good time. We have constant giveaways, monthly contests, movie nights, custom guides and resources, and a very friendly community and leadership team. If you want a highly active clan, with lots of members happy to help, you've come to the right place.

~Requirements to join~
-Mastery Rank 0+
-Discord Member
-Willingness to be an active member of the community

~What we offer~
-All research unlocked
-Dry Dock
-Crimson Branch
-Monthly giveaways/contests
-Custom guides and tools
-Awesome Custom Clan Emblem
-15 day inactivity kick, with ways to increase it through increasing your rank in the clan/obtaining certain roles.
-Discord required for ALL members
-Leadership opportunities (we are still building up our leadership team, and currently accepting applications)
-Member of the Gilded Phoenix Alliance(biggest alliance in Warframe)

~How to join~
Join our Discord at http://discord.gg/uBfkruZAXX , accept the rules, and use the appropriate channels to request an invite or even just ask about our clan.

submitted by /u/NobleSyxT9
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/sfwutv/int_pc_clan_the_phoenix_guards_are_recruiting/

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