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domingo, 30 de enero de 2022

"Anything else you'd like to get off your chest?" What did you suggest? Below is my 6.5 page essay worth of suggestions.

I apologize and thank anyone who spent the time to read this. Below was what I wrote to DE for suggestions on Warframe. I'm sharing it here as I spent too much time on it, so hey, maybe someone else will enjoy it as well.

"Everything. This is an unfair ask, but it’s what I believe.

TLDR: This Tenno has had too much time on their hands, but has a lot of suggestions for DE.

I want DE to make money and succeed. I also don’t think DE gets enough recognition for how much they do listen to the community. For example, the Helminth change was amazing. When the community created Xaku, the big ask was to be able to create a broken frame that chose other frames & their powers. Instead of creating just one ultimate frame, they created a new frame, and then created a system that allowed the mixing of abilities while keeping most frames’ identities intact. Below are my suggestions (a lot original and a lot from other players)!

I would love to see stats of players who end up quitting- what MR they were, how far they progressed in star chart / quests, how much time they played. These numbers would help factor in where to put the resources. My very big assumption is new updates bring in players (and more money), than old revisions. Balancing New Sales vs. Retention can be a challenge for any company and industry. Anecdotally, I played Warframe for a little bit. Thought it was neat. Didn’t play it for months / years. Got bored and saw I had the game downloaded on my Xbox and decided to give it another try. It was only because I wanted Equinox that I decided to continue through the game until I hit TSD. I’ve been hooked ever since that quest. From my own personal experience, I believe early game retention could be improved.

New Player Experience Improvements:

The Awakening (Heart of Deimos, Update 29) was a good first step! The New Player Experience Dev Workshop was also a fantastic next step (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1285411-the-new-player-experience-dev-workshop/). However, there is amp room for improvement.

Understatement, there are a lot of mechanics to master in Warframe. These can be overwhelming and daunting. Modding is one of the MOST important mechanisms in the game. There needs to be an entire quest, more in game dialogue, or something that emphasizes the importance of modding. Most games, ranking up the item (Frame or Weapon) is what makes it stronger. In Warframe, ranking up the weapon helps, but mainly because it opens more space for mods. This is a huge and very important factor for new players to understand. They don’t need to be taught an in depth lesson about modding, but make sure the player understands why it’s important. In the tutorial you’re given a semi lesson about abilities with plenty of energy to try them out. Oddball idea, for just one mission, give the Tenno a weapon with a fully modded Serration to show the power difference (then have it be removed like the energy was).

Status Rework. I do NOT know how to fix status types or damage. I think this will need to be done with community testing. However, there could be some simple changes that just make things more intuitive! Again, I’m not sure how you fix it, but from a new player’s perspective- Impact, Puncture, Slash, could be made the main damage types that affect Shield, Armor, and Flesh. Thinking about Medieval times, Slashing is great against flesh. Piercing is great to get through armor. Impact (bludgeoning) is useful against shields. It might not damage the shields, but it does send a strong shockwave to arm behind it. Or even Renaming Void > Magnetic > Radiation. Void status should be Friendly Fire. This makes sense as the Void already takes over just about everything besides Tenno. Magnetic status effect should attract bullets (instead of Void). Radiation status effect could amplify damage to shields / stop shield regen (instead of Magnetic). This just makes it easier to remember what different statuses do.

I think one of the biggest needs in early game is the Pathos behind why we play. The first few planets, we’re playing random missions, but there isn’t an overall why to it. Now, part of that makes TSD so satisfying to me. However, there can still be more added to get us there. Even something like making the girl from the Official Cinematic Opening Trailer as an NPC in the first few levels would be great. Have us feel the effect of the Grineer destroying her village. Have us feel the Excalibur, Volt, or Mag we chose is fighting for a purpose. Have it seem like that girl is a major character, and then literally kill her off after a couple of missions. We’re not just being told “Grineer bad”. We’re feeling and experiencing it for ourselves.

Also, just go back and add in a few quests or voice lines that tie the confusing parts together. Alad V? Tubemen? I WAS CUT IN HALF, DESTROYED, BUT THROUGH ITS JANUS KEY, THE VOID CALLED TO ME. Scarlet Spear (talked more about below)

AoE vs. Single Target Suggestions:

Again, I don’t know the ins and outs of how to fix this 100%. Player testing would be needed. I’m NOT anti-nerfs especially if it means a better game balance. However, their definitely Tenno who are anti-nerfs. It’s an unenviable position DE is in trying to appease everyone in the player base.

Generally, there are four ways to affect AoE vs. Single Target. 1) Buff Single Target. 2) Nerf AoE. 3) Combination of the two. 4) Different/New Reasons to choose Single Target over AoE. I’m more so for this last option (with a little bit of the others).

We have a little of this already with Eidolons, Spiders, and Nullifier's Shield Drone? (Maybe a couple others like thumpers), other bosses. Resonant Glass Cephalites were GREAT enemies. Immune to AoE and changed up game play. You could 1) Shoot from a distance at certain weak points. Or 2) hit them with Melee but had to make sure to get away quick enough or say goodbye to shields (and health). Lastly, there was a point of slowing your gameplay down to kill them- You received a tiny boost with cephalite resonance and/or nightwave standing. (They were tied to a repetitive voice lines. Any repetitive voice lines will become annoying over time. However, I think it’s been resolved with being able to mute certain NPCs).

Similar enemy to glass resonance, except make it be for Void. Outside of void fissure missions, have a random void fissure occur in game and affect 1-5 enemies, but have this occur less frequently (maybe once every 45-75 minutes). Have them become invulnerable until a weak spot is destroyed with single target (or direct shot with AoE weapon). Have it drop a tiny amount of void trace. Not only are you giving a reason for Single Target, but you’re also now helping bridge different types of content in game.

Open Worlds: We have a few vehicles we can destroy already. Either create new ones or adjust current ones to have "weak points" that allow you to destroy the vehicles faster (again, immune to AoE)

Excavation: This game mode is a lot of sitting and waiting. Still have the players need to get power cells to get to the equivalent of 100%. However, once the last power cell has been added to hit the minimum threshold, have a new type of enemy appear. This enemy acts a miniature demolyst/demolisher that can negate CC abilities (and again immune to AoE). You don't have to kill it, but if it reaches your excavator, it affectively removes the amount of power cells you've put in it. However, if you DO kill it, it takes off X seconds of your remaining time like how Jailers drop Data Keys Rescue missions on Orb Vallis.

Bosses who also only have certain weak spots. Depending on how you damage them, they evolve / adapt. For instance, an infested boss where if you shoot it with AoE, it slowly takes damage over time but remains the same. However, if you shoot a weak point at a joint- (shoulder), the arm falls off and turns into its own infested entity. Now you still headshot the "arm infested" and kill that more quickly while still having to kill the body infested. Maybe next time you fight it- you shoot it right in the belly and it splits itself in two and you must fight the two different entities. Maybe if you knock it's head off, all the appendages disconnect from one another, and you have to kill them all individually. (IDK, probably the worst idea out of everything else I've put)

More "Mini-Bosses". (Eximus Amalgams every 5th wave of Io Jupiter). Whatever the unlimited game mode is (defense, survival, Excavation, Defection, etc.) give each faction its own miniboss that can ONLY be destroyed by single target. To make sure AoE can still be usable in those game modes, potentially have the AoE stun the target for a bit depending on how much damage could be done? (Would have to be played around a bit- I don't want AoE completely diminished)

Create more tile specific puzzles / features that showcase single target. The orchestra Lua puzzle has you need to shoot targets while airborne. Remove the AoE component and that's a way you could do it. For void missions- create more dynamic treasure rooms (meaning, they change almost every time you play them). However, if you complete it, you get a rare cache. How do you make these dynamic? The one puzzle where you must follow tree branches or if you fall off it pulls you back to the beginning- I would have 4-6 different points on this map where a structure could be located. I would have 10-20 different structures. Now each time you do this puzzle, it's different. You can't just memorize the quickest path. How we make that for single target: Have almost like, bullseyes we must shoot while traversing through a room. The difference is the bullseyes almost float like scintillant but move more quickly.

Play Style Diversity: Most game modes in game are about kill speed or race from point A to extraction. This one is hard to break into its own category, and it spills into other categories I’ve talked about. This can be done with game modes, enemies, map tiles, or tile sets (or even modifications to current ones).

I think right now, just about every game type can be done by just about every frame. This is fine for normal star chart. Give us challenges that CAN’T be completed by every frame. Give us game modes where you’re unable to use the operator. Give us portions in a tile that bypass shieldgating, and where you must use a frame that is able to escape death- Nyx, Harrow, Wukong, Valkyr, Hydroid or else you would die. Make a map specifically around using abilities that make your frame go invincible.

Give us another mission type that focuses on invisibility. Not for just 3 random vaults or 1 rescue person. Make it be the entire mission. Have it so we can’t use our Operator. Mix in Narmer enemies- Narmer Grineer/Corpus we can kill as normal. Narmer Syndicate we can’t kill (and with not being able to use Operator), they are always around.

I want a game mode where you need to rescue 5-10 Narmer enemies who are from different syndicates. They will attack you like the other Narmer enemies in the mission, but if you kill them, you lose the mission. You must save them with your operator void dash like in The New War.

It doesn’t even have to be about a new game mode. Add a new enemy who can ONLY be killed by finishers- have them get knocked down like an Ambulas, but instead of hacking it, it is only fully defeated with a frame who can open them up to finishers (NOT parazon), but like Ash’s Teleport. Add additional unique aspects to different tiles- like energy cracks on the Orokin Moon tileset. Give us a reason to pin an enemy to the wall (ash’s shuriken, or any weapon that pins enemies to walls) like it opens a secret room.

Add a map designed to showcase less bullet jumping on the ground. For example, create a gas city tile where you're UNDER a building for quite some distance. (Other frames can still go through the building, but it takes a longer time to go through then under). Under the building, don't have areas where frames can stand on something. Have there be pillars that jut from the bottom of the building downward (almost like Luke Skywalker at the end of The Empire Strikes back). Frames could either fly - Titania, Wukong, Zephyr; use Rip Line to move about; or if they don't have an ability they can latch onto the walls of the pillars. You could even have a boss battle down here. Give some type of penalty every so often that pulls frames down who aren't latched (either by wall latch or by rip line).

I would also like to see a revamped interception that scales based on how many players you have playing. Not just in number of enemies- but in number of points of interest. Not necessarily for the normal star chart, but in Steel path, I’d love to have 2 points of interest per PC.

Content Islands: I think DE has done a fantastic job lately of merging different content- Gaining Soliris United Standing in Corpus Ship tileset and Merging Railjack with Liches/Sisters. Suggestions:

  1. Make more content currently in the regular start chart, be available in steel path. Add Nightmare, Invasions, Syndicate, Sorties, Kuva, Void Fissures, and Arbitrations.
  2. Void Clouds were great for RJ. Add Nightmare, Invasions, Syndicate, Sorties, and Kuva.
  3. I touched on this under AoE vs. Single Target. Keep the current Special Missions as they are – so players can focus on a particular aspect if they want. However, in ANY mission type, have a low chance for any of the following to spawn in:

a. Random void fissure affecting 5ish enemies who end up dropping small amounts of void trace

b. Random Syndicate Operative who helps you with the mission. If they survive it, they’ll give you a low-level medallion. (Not the ones we can spawn, but an NPC that joins us)

c. Random Kuva Siphons

d. Random Kuva Thralls. (They don’t steal anything, but if you down them they will still add to your rage meter and murmur count).

Open World Updates:

I think for all three open worlds, I would update them to include what the others have as well.
PoE – I would add K-Drive Races, token rep system, Grineer-like Necramech
OV – I would add a token rep system, roaming wildlife, and a Corpus-like Necramech
CD – Big boss type battle, special event like Fissures, Ghoul Purge, Plague Star

-More drivable vehicles.

-Quests and/or bounties dependent on areas of the map

-I would love a "Spaceport", "Temple of Profit", "Enrichment Lab" endless mobile defense/interception like bounty. Have different computer terminals in different areas of each and every minute or so you defend the area. Be able to start this bounty in Fortuna or OV. This would have been awesome back when I needed to grind for Toroids.

-Any bounties based under Hillside Ruins or on Mount Nang that gets a little deeper into what the Grineer are doing

-Defense bounty to defend the heart of deimos- but make the mode change and update where sometimes you must be in a necramech, sometimes have to be in a frame, sometimes have to be an operator

-Rescue where you must save wildlife from grineer or corpus. However, instead of just being able to blast with AoE, you must be careful not to kill the animal.

-Random Short Bounties like the original PoE that can happen at any time and any where on the map (30 minutes or so between each one)

-NPCs give you a “commission system” that give you a challenge. On completion, there’s a small chance they’ll give you rarer resources. Mining - Get X number of perfect drills in a row, drill X amount without being seen (have this be in a crowded cave for example). Conservation- Get X number of perfect catches. Get X number of catches in a timeline. Catch X amount without using lures. Fishing- Catch x amount without missing. Catch only X amount of rares in a row.

I would try to expand K-Drive:

-Currently, we have timed races to get standing. Let's have each race have its own "Scrawl". The players on the leaderboard at the end of the week obtain that scrawl for their board. (Once you obtain the scrawl you can't be at the top of the leaderboard moving forward. I don't want the same 20 people always winning and preventing others from obtaining)

-Or bring in different modes: a mode to actually race against other players at the same time; a mode to see who gets the most points in a time limit; (googling Tony Hawk) have "Tag" where the person who is it gets a speed boost and the person who is "IT" the shortest amount of time wins; H-O-R-S-E where different locations you get 30 seconds to get a score.

And lastly, of course, The Third Orb Mother.

Railjack 3.0:

Sabotage is another game mode that could be used for Corpus and Grineer missions.

Spy would make a ton of sense split if we could have it be split into different crews- One crew stays in railjack to distract the enemy and the other actually does the spy portion. The earlier part of the mission should have points of interest that help determine the second half of the mission:

-POI where if you destroy something, it increases the Railjack's threat level. The main Corpus ship sends out their verson of a Grineer boarding party. This makes it easier for the frame doing the Spy portion not have to deal with as many members on board.

-Have it so there are 3 different capital ships. Originally, you don't know which one has the vault inside. Have a POI where once you complete it, it tells you which ship you need to enter.

-Have it so once you enter the Capital ship, there is no waypoint to tell you where the vault is exactly. Have a POI where once you complete it, it will have the waypoint.

--For all of these, you don't have to accomplish the POIs, but they'll assist in the Spy portion.

Orphix needs something outside of the ship before you board it to indicate there are Sentients in there.

Defense could have so many unique layers for RJ:

Let us defend something smaller like a single ship or satellite. (There could be an escort version of this. However, I would make it so a Tenno could fly into the ship/satellite and try control it to move quicker/move in a logical path/move to avoid damage)

Let us defend just our RJ. This would be my version of survival. Have a timed mode of crewships/fighters doing nothing but try to destroy your RJ.

Let us defend something inside our RJ. This has not just more Ramsleds, but also have single enemies in space- Rangers, Dargyns, Carriers, etc. The pilot / gunners can still fight off stuff outside of the Railjack, but there still is an increased number of boarding parties.

Let's have Battlefront II style space battles.

I want to have some nodes be just about the RJ, no extraneous POI. Also, we still aren't getting a good balance amongst all 3 aspects- Railjack, Ground, Archwing. Mix in some level design like the normal Archwing missions. I want all 3 facets to take a substantive role.

Personally, I loved the aesthetics of the sun / railjack. I need a level that lets us play with this setting ALONG with potentially getting damaged by the sun.

Let us defend something huge like a Tenno Relay. We must move around and defend it from an oncoming armada. I would LOVE if the Fomorian Sabotage and Razorback Armada were made into events like Scarlett Spear. Have different game modes and depending how others do in your relay, it affects your gameplay as well. 1 Partially focused on RJ game play, and the other with destroying the Fomorian or the Razorback.

Bring back Scarlett Spear! You could combine Scarlett Spear and Orphix Venom into a reoccurring event. Have one relay, three different game modes SS space, SS land, and OV. Have all three parts affect the two others. I would revamp the SS Earth portion to include more than just Earth however. I think it would be cool to see it played on a different planet each time you did it- Earth, Mars, Venus, etc. I would also revamp the OV portion to include being played in the Open Worlds. We can already use our Necramechs there.

If you’ve ever played Sea of Thieves, you know they have 3 different types of ships: Sloops, Brigantine, and Galleon. The sloops are for 1-2 people, Brigantine for 3, and Galleon for 4. Each ship has a different power, durability, maneuverability, and simplicity. I’m not asking for something as complex as this. However, I would love to pay platinum to go back to the old RJ. I know mechanically it is harder to maneuver because it’s bigger. However, I love its size. If anything, I’d like to buy a RJ that takes up even more space than the old RJ. I want to join others’ RJs and feel like I’m playing something different, depending on how they have it customized.

Lastly, more customization! Let us pay for things we want to see in game. I already made a Reddit post about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/sd4lhj/what_would_you_be_willing_to_pay_platinum_for/ I feel like there is meat left on the bone when it comes to what players are willing to pay for!"

submitted by /u/FrostyAd4901
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/sgeqwf/anything_else_youd_like_to_get_off_your_chest/

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