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Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: [INT][PC][CLAN] - The Onyx Chapter is recruiting Aspirants!

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martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023

[INT][PC][CLAN] - The Onyx Chapter is recruiting Aspirants!

[INT][PC][CLAN] - The Onyx Chapter is recruiting Aspirants!


We are the Onyx Chapter, a distinguished international Warframe PC clan, formerly known as Nefarious Reticence and Nova Ravnica (-NR-). Founded in 2013 by former Warframe Partner -NR-Dabears (now -Onyx-Lich), our clan boasts a rich history:

  • Over 150 PvE & PvP tournament victories
  • Several top 1% placements across all leaderboards
  • Regular features by Digital Extremes (DE) in blog posts, prime times, and other media

As of 2020, we are a casual community with many seasoned players eager to share their knowledge and expertise. We are currently returning from a long break, so we are recruiting fresh meat that will bring new life into our community.

We are a relaxed, non-toxic community with a wide diversity of people. One of our important values is that we are not just members of the same clan, but friends as well. Most of our current members have been with the clan for more than 5 years, so you may expect some off-topic talking as well. Most of our players come from Europe, but we are joined by players from all over the world.

We also play other games! Our community has previously also been active in a variety of other games, such as Dota 2, Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, GTA V, and many more. So even if you are hit by a Warframe burnout, feel free to chill and play other games with us!


  • Alignment: We believe in unity, loyalty, and cooperation among clan members, working together towards shared goals.
  • Victory: Our dedication to success in competition is unwavering, as we continually strive for excellence and improvement.
  • Progress: We are committed to personal and collective growth, emphasizing the importance of adaptation, evolution, and learning.

If you're looking for a clan that values camaraderie, loyalty, teamwork, and a rich legacy of success, the Onyx Chapter is the perfect home for you! Join us today and become part of a thriving Warframe community.


  • Rank 11 Storm clan (currently 36/100 slots filled, recently wiped).
  • Part of the "CIV Ragnarok Legion" alliance.
  • All researches (including Ignis Wraith) are finished.
  • Fully built and decorated dojo.
  • Active Discord server with a good structure and QoL Bots for things such as riven grading, market checks, and more.
  • No activity and contribution rules.
  • 100 day inactivity limit. When you are removed from the clan ingame, you will still remain on the Discord server. You are allowed to rejoin at any time.
  • Average age is above 25.
  • Highest activity during evenings/night and weekends.

To apply or learn more, please reach out to me (onyx.lich) on Discord. If you plan on joining, just shoot me your username, what country you're from, and your firstname/nickname (the name you would like to be called).

We look forward to welcoming you into the Onyx Chapter!


submitted by /u/AshenTao
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/185t0no/intpcclan_the_onyx_chapter_is_recruiting_aspirants/

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