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Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: [NA][PC][Clan] Seven Songs of Solace - Rebooting old clan/recruiting experienced players, returning veterans, or anyone interested in endgame grinds

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miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

[NA][PC][Clan] Seven Songs of Solace - Rebooting old clan/recruiting experienced players, returning veterans, or anyone interested in endgame grinds

​Hey folks! I have a handful of friends that I occasionally grind with, and I'm looking to expand that pool by reviving my old clan. Previously "The Abysswalkers" (new emblem pending), our dojo is mostly undecorated but we have every research completed (pigments not included).

A bit about myself first, I've been playing since closed beta, my account is more or less maxed out (missing some arcanes, handful of frames don't have real builds), and these days I'm mostly focused on finishing up my last few incarnons and putting builds together for the frames I never use (thanks to circuit).

As a clan we are primarily looking to recruit experienced players, especially completionists, who are interested in keeping up with the game as new content is added, as well as doing the various current endgame grinds with an efficient group (especially endurance runs). If you're farther behind than us, no worries, we're happy to help you out so long as you plan on sticking around! We only want to avoid helping people get caught up and then having them disappear forever afterwards.

Also, while this is primarily a recruitment drive for the clan itself, we're also happy to welcome people with prior commitments that just want another group to play with every now and then.

There are no tangible stat-based requirements, but:

-I would expect your mastery rank to be somewhat on the high end, not necessarily 30+ but ideally that would your long-term goal.

-We are LGBTQ friendly, no -isms, etc.

-We are primarily based in North America. This isn't a requirement, just a heads up for timezone/ping reasons.

-We expect a reasonable degree of maturity, it's fine to get annoyed when dumb shit happens (small indie dev), so long as you can move on quickly. If you get mad at least be funny about it.

-Laid back atmosphere in general. We like to bully each other on occasion (with love), but we don't tolerate rudeness. If anyone starts dishing out sincere insults, they will be declared "based" and then immediately banned.

-No egos. Our motto is "Elite, but not elitist". If you have a superiority complex and feel the need to take every opportunity to explain things we already know to us, please move on. (I am better than you anyway 🥰)

-Must join us on Discord, mic/voice participation appreciated but not required! If we're in voice but you prefer not to talk we encourage you to join the channel muted and hang out.

-Please laugh at my jokes.

Last thing I'll note is that we are currently based in a private Discord channel in a server that I run for my larger Destiny/FFXIV community. I may make a public Warframe category somewhere down the line as well, but for now we are a rather small group inside of a larger server.

If you're interested or have questions, leave a message here, in-game, or on Discord (same name as here). I'll try to get back to you ASAP <3

submitted by /u/MeetTheJoves
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/17ao7xm/napcclan_seven_songs_of_solace_rebooting_old/

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