warframe gameplay

Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: I had the worst fucking "nightmare"

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viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023

I had the worst fucking "nightmare"

So I was playing Warframe, as per usual. Just going through the Grineer Sealab and Extrrminating the Grineer. You see, us Tenno are very fond of warcrimes against our enemies.

But you know what I'm not fond of?!? Fucking POCKETCAT.

I briefly check the players list and "what Warframe is Daan." And I see him with his futuristic Burston Prime rifle and I hardly even bat an eye. I'm not surprised that Warframe released its very first non-Warframe crossover character smack dab in normal missions with the rest of them. It took until now to worry about him getting Infested but he's a doctor, he should be fine. I don't care what happens to the lore now that this widowed guy is here cause why not throw in a twist? It might throw us back to focusing on the Corpus or the Grineer or anything older.

The only thing I think about is how strange it is that Fear & Hunger managed to get anything into Warframe, much less a whole playable character, all flesh and blood, in history breaking manner.

Until I check what his pet is.

Fuck. He should've had a dog or a Sentinel or a normal not-child-fucking cat. But the curse never really went away, did it? His mere existence is like joking about unfathomable occurrences. I'm sure every Grineer that saw that thing screamed their lungs out. It doesn't matter that they were bred in tubes and soil to kill and raze and destroy everything that's not them. And that thing is nowhere NEAR being a fucking Grineer. If only.

The screeching instant I saw that he existed in MY power fantasy...I realized what it was like to be a helpless enemy being massacred by a Warframe. And the thing about payback is that the experience makes it tenfold. There's a bigger fish now right there and he's NEVER being eaten. A fucking MEGALODON roams the seas of Uranus and your child's as well. And he's staring off to the left, having just noticed my presence.

I can never feel fear again. All the dread of a lifetime and two happened in an instant. He slowly turned over to his left, through my fucking soul, growing beyond Euclidean possibilities.

POCKETCAT is the last thing I'll ever fear.

"Hello there!"

submitted by /u/HowDyaDu
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/07adIAL
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/t49CrQ1 August 18, 2023 at 07:05PM

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