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jueves, 13 de julio de 2023

Virgin Grineer vs Chad Corpus

(This is satire, obviously)

Virgin Grineer

•Must rely on cloning to reproduce

•Stinks like donkey ass

•Technology is outdated

•Sounds like they have been smoking ever since the day they were cloned

•Kills everything they see instead of selling and/or buying it

•Sole reason they have some control is of numbers, no good quality products like Chad Corpus

•Use Kuva to even make a difference with their supersoldiers

•Grineer Queens are just asshole Orokin and are the worst bosses in the system

•No drip

•No cephalon

•Barely any robotics


•No grofit

Chad Corpus

•Crewmen is purpose-bred, making them ideal for any situation

•Sleek and ergonomic design

•Their technology is always updating. They even include Orokin technology

•Mostly normal voiced

•The ones who make the economy happen in the Origin System

•They have control over the system with good products and sell them at a good price

•Their supersoldiers don't need enhancers. They are top well trained soldiers with the best technology Corpus can give, also a robot dog buddy

•Daddy Parvos Granum is a simple human who has managed to rise above the Orokinnp with capitalism, and he is the best boss in the system

•Advanced robotics to fight the Tenno

•They still use cephalons as buddies

•John Prodman

•Scientist Alad V tries to make Infested-Corpus stuff even knowing the risks, what a Chad

•Nef Anyo gives lots of jobs, and The Void hears our charity

•'We are desire. We are Corpus'

•Tons of drip


submitted by /u/Extension-Ad-5134
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/1qYSzWh
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/gl2oLvc July 13, 2023 at 02:48PM

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