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domingo, 16 de julio de 2023

A rant about nunchucks - warframe edition (sorry for bad english not my native language)

I have something important to say about the ninkondi.

WHY WOULD YOU PICK NINKONDI OVER JUST A PLAIN OLD BO? I want a Sibear it's a Bo with cryotic on the end, what is a Guandao if not Bo with a Skana on the end, what is a Galatine if not essentialy a gallium, sharpened Bo. There are so many other weapons that a Bo is easier to find and get a hold of. ninkondi you actually have to make. You actually have to like actually waste perfectly good 20,000 credits, 4,000 ferrite, 1,200 polymer bundle, 800 plastrids and 2 argon crystals, make it worse than it was to make ninkondi. WHY WOULD YOU EVER PICK NINKONDI WHEN YOU HAVE BO. YOU HAVE BO, BO VERY GUD. ninkondi what are they if not just mentaly disabled Bo. Seriously ninkondi are basicaly like a Bo that had a stroke, ninkondi are just Bo that suffers from erectile stickfunction. NINKONDI ARE LITERALY JUST A BO THAT SWINGS BACK AT YOU WHEN YOU USE IT. It requires 10 times the training yet is half as usefull as good old Bo. ninkondi is the inbreed, mentaly disabled cousin of the mighty Bo thats what ninkondi are.

submitted by /u/Teuszem
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/2iyv3Ah
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/6LoDu7p July 16, 2023 at 12:39PM

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