warframe gameplay

Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: Cavalero is a pretty cool guy

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Warframe wiki - Actualizado - GAMEPLAYS de Warframe

 Warframe wiki - Actualizado - GAMEPLAYS de Warframe Los videos de gameplay tienen una presencia cada vez mayor en Internet.                ...

domingo, 21 de mayo de 2023

Cavalero is a pretty cool guy

Now that i have been visiting him more often cause of all the incarnon stuff, i really got to like him, and the other cast of the Zariman, but him the most.

Too bad we don't get better (and more) cutscenes like the one in destiny, where they flesh out the characters more.

Would really love seeing him and some other characters (Tyl Regor for example) get more fleshed out as characters, and become more than just vendors or announcers on the sidelines.

submitted by /u/NIKOLAPAVIC
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/13o7zp0/cavalero_is_a_pretty_cool_guy/

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