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sábado, 22 de abril de 2023

Having different frames for different niches is not a bad thing

I keep seeing people saying that Loki, Nyx, etc need an update because CC isn't as good as outright killing things.

I feel like instead of changing every frame to be good at killing things quickly, maybe it would be healthier for the game to add new missions, enemies, etc that don't encourage the player to kill everything asap.

What's the point of even having new unique frames if at the end of the day everyone tries to make them do X faster, when their kit was designed to do X, Y, and Z?

Why not ask DE to add missions that ask you not to kill everyone for once? Maybe add enemies that summon tougher enemies when killed, so you're encouraged to keep them alive?

Things like that in missions would encourage players to use unique frames to their strengths instead of modifying every frame to fill the same role (fast murder). Mission A would want some sneaky dudes like Loki. Mission B would want someone to bring a Limbo to keep those pesky summoner-enemies in the rift.

I understand that we already have some stealth missions, and the best way to get through those missions is by murdering everybody and then just disarming the alarm. Maybe we should get either large bonuses for not triggering any alarms or decreased rewards for triggering alarms in those instances, despite a successful completion of the mission.

I just want more fun ways to play the game via frames, and more reasons to use fun frames that may not see much use, or more reasons to use certain abilities on frames that never see any use.

submitted by /u/nutzle
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/12vnioj/having_different_frames_for_different_niches_is/

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