warframe gameplay

Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: Just finished New War and have a few questions

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lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023

Just finished New War and have a few questions

  1. I get that the drifter is an alt version of us but how did they end up in our timeline/universe? Was it as a result of the tenno being sent back into the void and the universe bring the drifter to ours to keep the universe in balance?
  2. why does the tenno seemingly have no injuries from being stabbed? did that version of the operator die and the operator we have after is yet another alt version?
  3. where and how did ordis acquire a body? dude cant even fix his software but somehow gets a body?
  4. now that both the operator and the drifter are in our universe, who takes their place in the one that the drifter is from?
  5. why does drifter ask if the operator got all their warframes back? did i somehow miss a chunk of the quest or lore that they were lost?
  6. how did the drifter end up with what seems to be an almost exact replica of our orbitor with only the living quarters being different? is it the same ship? if not, where did they get it and how did they get ordis?
  7. how did the drifter find lotus/netah?
  8. most importantly: Why can't the drifter or the operator play the shawzin outside of the quest? Don't give me the "they dont have the same rig as warframes" argument when they can both play them during the quest and they can pilot railjacks, grineer mounted guns, and during the quest can even ride the k drive? I want my emo teen to be able to play my chemical romance songs at 3am!
submitted by /u/brakenbonez
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/11qswlq/just_finished_new_war_and_have_a_few_questions/

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