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martes, 14 de febrero de 2023

Vauban's passive, what counts as incapacitated?

I enjoy experimenting with different ability/weapon interactions with different frames and I want to do some messing around with Vauban. His passive lets him do additional damage to enemies that are incapacitated, I'd love to know what is considered incapacitated for this passive.
I know the wiki states that those affected by his abilities etc count, but it also says "targets include, but are not limited to" which implies there are other examples. It does add that "Knockdowns, staggers, and temporary stuns such as impact and electricity status effects" do not count which is nice to know.
Though frustratingly my perusing of the wiki/forums/reddit hasn't given me a definitive list of any other effects that count. Can anyone provide a list/confirmation for other abilities/weapons/status effects that do count as "incapacitated" for his passive? Thanks!

submitted by /u/ContemplativeRaven
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/112nijw/vaubans_passive_what_counts_as_incapacitated/

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