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Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: Read this before buying Citrine's Blueprints

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miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023

Read this before buying Citrine's Blueprints

On the Mirror Defence mission, the loot rotation is, as normal, AABC

On loot rotation C there is a chance to get Citrine's Blueprints

Main BP - 6.8%

Chassis - 4.5%

Neuroptics - 4.5%

Systems - 4.5%

This means if you buy them as you go, you may waste a lot of the crystals you're currently grinding for. So wait until you have the full 1,850/1,800 needed for Citrine's blueprints before you buy any

I got her main bp for 500/500, so I really don't want it to drop now because if it does, I've wasted that 500/500 - pretty oof

submitted by /u/Whyhuyrah
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/113a8d7/read_this_before_buying_citrines_blueprints/

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