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domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023

I really appreciate the civilian perspective the Leverian gives on the Tenno.

While Drusus is far from the only civilian character we interact with in the game, no other civilian is shown to actively study the Tenno as extensively as he does (Alad V is much more interested in the Warframes as technology, not the Tenno as a faction) and so the Leverians tend to provide a perspective on the Orokin empire and its remnants that we don't really get anywhere else; just look at Ash, Nezha, and Voruna's Leverians.

If you haven't gone into any of those, they establish a recurring pattern of Warframes going out of their way to show kindness to and in Ash's case avenge distressed children:

  • Ash stays his hand against Lio DeNas (an act Drusus notes is wildly out of character for a heartless killer like Ash) once he learns that the Scoria kidnap children to indoctrinate them, and goes on to personally annihilate the Scoria during the downfall.
  • Nezha rescued the children defending Reshantur, whisking them... somewhere... and implicitly killing the entire attacking force sent after the village.
  • Voruna takes the child Tuvul was trying to possess back to her craft, after killing and eating Tuvul himself.

This makes perfect sense to us because we already know what the Tenno actually are, but Drusus doesn't and the confusion he shows as a result--"What could a Warframe, a lethal specialist warrior, possibly have in common with a child?" from Nezha's Leverian comes to mind--makes the revelation of this little bit of lore miles more interesting than if we'd had it mentioned by, say, Ballas or the Lotus or someone else who knew the truth.

Unfortunately this is the only example of Drusus' perspective I have to give, and it'd be nice if DE were to change that at some point down the line.

Also maybe... Don't necessarily have him figure out the truth, since a lot of the Leverian's charm comes from him being basically the only source of information on Warframes who doesn't know what a Tenno is, but it'd also be nice to see Drusus acknowledge that pattern and maybe come up with his own theories.

submitted by /u/AppleJuicetice
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/11cyef6/i_really_appreciate_the_civilian_perspective_the/

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