warframe gameplay

Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: Returning player wants to return for the last time

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martes, 24 de enero de 2023

Returning player wants to return for the last time

TL;DR- I've tried to start this game several times and want to give it one more shot since it's been a while. Any suggestions or things to keep in mind for someone who hasn't gotten through the origin system yet?

I'm unsure if Warframe is just different in a way i don't understand or if I'm just not the type of guy to enjoy this game but i want to give it an honest try. I've never made it through the origin system, and have only ever gotten to build and wield rhino. I am unsure what makes me quit every time.

For the most part, i understand that the main objective is to get through the system cuz that unlocks what you're gonna need to do anything. I play solo for the most part, but i feel like as I'm doing that, i get exposed to so many random new things that i get overwhelmed and confused on where exactly I'm supposed to be. My weapons don't seem to hit hard enough when it comes to anything other than fodder enemies, and it feels sorta bad to devote time and resources to a weapon that turns out to be ineffective due to lack of other resources (mainly mods). I can get around that easily of course, and matchmake my missions, but then i feel like i don't actually get to play, since everyone blasts through at light speed with gear i only dream of. It's a catch 22 cuz thanks for the carry, but also now it feels like I'm playing an idle game, so i can't complain either way.

I'm not a super social dude anymore, and I'm not used to being in a clan. I often fear being kicked out of groups cuz I'm just kinda hanging out for the benefits honestly. Im unsure if I'm missing out by not really doing group play, so any info on that would be cool.

I love the core things this game seems to be offering. Endless hours of things to progress/collect, f2p friendly, fast gameplay, good gunplay, and more I'm sure I've barely touched. I'm hoping that with some tips on what to focus on and what to ignore, or any help in general, that this game can be a great pastime and hobby. Thanks for any who took the time to read or help.

submitted by /u/Dragneel2496
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/10knqqc/returning_player_wants_to_return_for_the_last_time/

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