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sábado, 28 de enero de 2023

[INT][PC][Clan] Looking for someone to give my solo ghost size clan to.

Looking for someone to take over as Founding Warlord. This is the second clan I've made and researched but I don't play as often as I used to. Figured someone could put it to use with the difficult stuff out of the way. Feels like a waste of resources to just delete the clan but I'll likely be doing that soon if I can't find someone that wants it.

Research is complete excluding pigments. Some of the pigments have been farmed and paused without the credits being contributed.


The clan is all 1 floor. No elevators anywhere. Initially built it for the idea of learning dojo decorating and I couldn't do it. So it's pretty much a blank canvas to decorate.


Basically what would happen is you join. I'll give Founding Warlord to you after the dojo key is built to make sure you can enter the dojo, then I leave. Not picky about who wants the clan. Just someone that either wants it for their friends or community if you're a streamer.

IGN is Hello - Hello#552 if you need the numbers. If I'm not online in game, then comment here. I have the notifications on.

submitted by /u/--Brandt--
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/10ntenf/intpcclan_looking_for_someone_to_give_my_solo/

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