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sábado, 28 de enero de 2023

Budget Reworks: Loki

Many of the older frames are due a bit of polish in 2023. These reworks aim to update the warframe’s existing kit without adding new abilities or extensive redesign. New passives are fair game, but abilities are only getting added functionality/tweaks. Hydroid’s not getting an exalted cannon. Forgive me.

Let's look at loki. The og trickster’s perceived strengths are invisibility, cc, and utility. In practice, only his invisibility shines. This rework focuses on amplifying decoy’s potency and synergy with his other abilities. I avoid any nuke potential, instead enhancing the strengths Loki seems to be designed around. Any feedback is welcome.


-still provides bonus wall latch duration

-Wall latch adds 4 seconds duration for all his active abilities. Can only proc twice until ability recast.

#1 Decoy:

-removed hp, now entirely duration based

-equips the weapon the warframe was using when cast (restricted to secondaries and primaries).

-weapon deals no damage, but procs all non-damaging status effects on the targeted enemy.

\This turns decoy into a cc/primer ability, and opens up a use for less desirable damage procs. Also removes its tissue-paper tendencies.*

#2 Stealth:

-Is stealth. Is good.

#3 Switch Teleport:

-Added hold functionally: If held when cast, swaps loki and active decoy, no matter the distance

*Clearing an interception point but another is contested on the other end of the map? Hunting for that pesky demolyst, but it sneaks by and is ready to blow while you’re fumbling around in a far-off hallway? No worries, that decoy you placed preemptively will take you right to it. Additionally, since it’s a swap, you can get right back to your original position with a recast (assuming decoy is still up). This turns decoy into a potent mobility tool that allows Loki to pressure several locations at once. Great for gamemodes with multiple defense points like interception, disruption, void cascade, etc.

#4 Radial Disarm:

-dropped weapons become universal ammo drops.

-Decoy also casts radial blind, but with half the range.

\I find radial blind to be a powerful (if basic) ult. Keeping with Loki’s strengths, I tried to amplify its utility and avoid converting it into a damage option. With many weapons lacking in the ammo department nowadays, radial blind should be a welcome addition to any squad.*

submitted by /u/Ubermacho
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/10nsuia/budget_reworks_loki/

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