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miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2022

Protea is versatile. I'm hooked!

Let's talk about her versatility. So I have 3 Protea builds. Archon Vitality on all builds pairs extremely well with her 2. All builds are very viable in steel path and high level content. But this is my preference on how I like to use them.

1st Build: Air Burst(groups like larva) I would use ensare if I could

I like to use this for normal content and pretty much anything that is not high level. Can be used in high level without problen and it's even fun there. I also like to use this in missions where I dont want to slow enemies like defense. But I use my 3rd build for most steel path missions.

2nd Build: Roar- big dmg buff with her passive and molt augmented

I use this build to take my weapon dmg to the next level as well as her abilities. Offers a playstyle that makes your entire arsenal super strong. Gives dmg support to allies and good against fights that have tanky enemies for your weapons to kill.

3rd Build: Gloom-

This is my steel path high level build. I use this in high level content mostly. Offers superb crowd control with her passive and molt augmented. Enemies are nothing when faced with this build. Use her grenade fan with the gloom and you get even more CC + added slash dmg(but almost solely used for the cc).

Note: her 1 is very good to kill low level enemies fast. Like very good. Spam that shit everywhere and you'll see no enemies because they get CCd and die very fast.

submitted by /u/AyeeSlimm
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/z37x7w/protea_is_versatile_im_hooked/

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