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viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

Most Voidshell skins are cool and all but the material distribution on the model itself kinda kills them for me at the moment of colouring them.

I could rant about this at length but it's basically the title. I actually like the idea of Voidshells but I got Styanax's a while ago and I just don't like it.

Whenever I see the other Voidshells too, Volt's or Excal's for example, are just a mess in how the materials will end up covering the frame. The moment I go to colour them it looks all sorts of off.

I'll make emphasis, the problem is not the materials themselves, the point of the skin line is to change them, it's just how they're arranged on the model itself so that when you go to colour them they look like a picasso painting.

I think that's fine sometimes, Saryn's looks pretty good actually, but most of the other skins are a miss for me. I just wish we had more Voidshells around with more "normal" patterns that had a more even distribution of the material areas. As it is I feel I have to colour 3-4 of the channels the same to have something cohesive.

Is it just me?

submitted by /u/Vexed_Algides
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/yywlk2/most_voidshell_skins_are_cool_and_all_but_the/

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