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sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2022

Lore Questions and what not

Hello r/Warframe, I come with questions pertaining to the lore specifically to the world of Warframe.

1) How strong are the Tenno on their own?

Im pretty sure it’s clearly stated that the reason why the Orokin were so “shit their pants” terrified of the Tenno was their potential for destruction if they ever managed to properly channel the Void within their bodies. However, we’ve never actually been shown how powerful they could be in-game nor in the lore. Does that mean that, with enough time and training with the Void, that we’d be able to do the same reality breaking feats WITHOUT a Warframe? (Like being able to bend space and time with Limbo, but without Limbo)

2) What exactly is controlling the (both friendly and hostile) Necramechs?

I’ve seen a lot of different arguments raised for this one, but its all to scattered for me to make a solid stance on this. What’s controlling the Necramechs? The infestation? The Void?

3) Are Tenno Human or Orokin?

I’ve seen 2 different answers for this one.

One answer is that the Tenno are pure humans tapped by the Void, and the other answer is that their an off-shoot of the Orokin. Which is it?

Edit: Adding another question to this-

4) Why do Archguns have infinite ammo? Is that just like a gameplay feature or is there an actual lore reason for that? Like maybe for the Entrati weapons I get, since those could potentially be Void-powered, but stuff like the Grattler I don’t understand.

submitted by /u/IronicWeea
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/z5iwgs/lore_questions_and_what_not/

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