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lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022

Gameplay Story : Idiot Veteran vs Pro Noob - Farming Plastids

I was going to send clips edited together for the fun of it but to avoid outing ppl by name Ill just stick with a text story here. New players, I hope this gives you confidence that not everyone's good at WF.
Last evening me and two players from my alliance were farming Plastids, personally I was getting them for my clan since im basically the sole funder, and I wanna start having excess materials stored up, and having that handled means I can stop funding decorations out of pocket every time i place certain props down. Me, a MR 9 and MR 26 were farming together on Zabala Eris ( think thats the name ) - Survival Infested. We tried doing Steel Path too for the bonuses in drops... It did not go well from the get go.
Now I wont expect a MR 9 to make it through too well, but he was doing alright with the gear he had. Dude was a basic looking Excal, using I think a Orthos Prime and a Braton, and though he wasn't doing alot for damage he was being helpful all things considered. AS FOR THE OTHER!- MR 26 Nekros prime, he's running a Arca plasmor, forget the pistols, and a Galatine Prime- general decked out sort; So you would think he was doing well right? GOD NO! He kept Casting, turning off and recasting Desecrate and shadows of undead because he thought it was a stacking ability. Due to that most enemies didn't get converted into drops OR oxygen since he ended up not having his looter ability on most of the first game ( of two why did we give it another chance ). Knew because id look at the bodies I killed every so often, no desecrate / despoil effect. Besides that he kept walking up to enemies like he was an NPC, shooting at them point blank, sometimes getting knocked on his but and just sitting there for moments playing dead. Idk if this guy was just stuffing food down his gullet or if he was just that bad, but it got Worse. Id say Excal did about surprisingly 30 odd percent of the kills that game, no fancy gear and didn't really even rely on abilities either- dude was great. Nekros got ... 6% Distinctly remember that. Not one for kills but some showing that he was twiddling his thumbs that first mission. We left after 15 minutes but that was just the beginning.
Because of his one of three messages being he just "forgot to fix loadout lol" I decided you know what things weren't super bad- did get knocked on my butt alot but hey excal helped and Nekros revived me once too at least so he's trying right? Lets go to Normal ol Starchart. We did make it past I think 30 minutes but left after, but things went nuclear. Chad Excal over here doing like 65% of kills despite me using a Ember and aoe- you can imagine how chaotic that can be- but he was a walking blender. Went down once but I think that was because he was in chat getting irritated with the Nekros. As for Nekros, whole game abilities were off except once instance of shadows around the end, had five kills total, spent the whole game basically camping in a infested goop sack occasionally coming down to grab loot then hide while we did the work. I tried to question what he was doing and around twenty ish minutes in Excal went ape on him in chat, I cant blame him in the slightest. I wont repeat what happened but the Nekros went off rambling about the most off topic excuses like it was a game of xbox 360 Cod or something, I thought I was having a fever dream with what I was reading. I had us leave around 33 minutes in roughly, and half an hour later, the Nekros of the century is asking me for help opening a riven, survival without killing. Ill sum that up- first thing he's whacking and slashing then of all times at everything that gets close, and I decided ... f#ck this. Left the party, blocked the nitwit and showed the Alliance what all happened. Idk what happened but I really hope this guy isn't in the Pantheon anymore, good god.
In the end we got maybe a few thousand Plastids from that headache of nearly an hours worth of random nonsense and farming. Not the worst but like two houses down. DO wanna say that if a certain slashy boy by the name of Flerp sees this, dude thank you for having the patience, and I'm sorry you had to almost hard carry for two high mr's - not that i wasn't trying but it's awkward when I'm not doing the most XD Think next time ill nekros and just .. farm alone for a while good lord.
I HOPE that this shows that MR doesn't always mean skill- and by the void does this show well last night.

submitted by /u/AUkion1000
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/yvh6z4/gameplay_story_idiot_veteran_vs_pro_noob_farming/

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