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jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Finally completed my first solo 5x3 on old gen (xbox one)

Title says it all. Not really anything much else to this post, but i finally got my first solo 5x3 on old gen. I didnt even have to day walk him, i didnt check time until day when i cap shotted final hydro, but when i was at the doors and the loot spawned out of the lures it was day in 2 seconds so i probably took cap shot with roughly 10-15 seconds of night left. My first 3 culls were so clean though, i had loaded into cetus after my 3rd cull with 21m remaining. Terry’s 4 and 5 were greedy with QC’s so my time got a little crunched, but i managed to pull it off regardless. I finally completed my personal goal, im so happy.

submitted by /u/a5stargenral1
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/z42eue/finally_completed_my_first_solo_5x3_on_old_gen/

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