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viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022

DE, about Umbra

You are sleeping on this massive gold mine of a character and it pains me to see nothing being done with him. For example, the New War: In other quests you have had pre-requisites, but the New War does not require Umbra? I can understand if he was not a big narrative point but you take the only Warframe with a personal vendetta against Ballas and just do nothing with him? Im sorry I dont mean to be rude but to see my and probably many others favorite character go unused feels wrong. The Sacrifice was one of the most emotionally driven quests and it shined above the rest for me, and that is why Warframe, through the Sacrifice, has been the only game to ever make me cry for a solid hour after finishing it. I can understand if there are no big further quests or lore to be used for Umbra, but at least give the only Warframe we have helped to overcome millenia of trauma and torture something to do with us. Walking around the orbiter, playing shawzin, komi, or heck even if you just gave him the space roomba AI around the orbiter and camp it would at least be something. Umbra is a brilliantly designed character and to see him get slept on is wasted opportunity. Of course this could all be wrong and there is actually more stuff down the pipeline for Umbra but even then New War, Zariman, and Angels all got Echoes updates, I think the Sacrifice's Echoes update is way overdue.

submitted by /u/UrMomTheDank69
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/y44y71/de_about_umbra/

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