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sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

Security Camera Eximus?

So a while ago soon after the Eximus update I was doing a Spy Sortie Mission when I noticed a camera had the new Eximus overgaurd over it’s healthbar.

I only do Sorties if they have a spy mission and my primary method of XP farming has been on Oceanum Pluto since Atlas was released so I’m pretty familiar with how Corpus security cameras should look like and never before have I seen an Camera Eximus unit.

Was this just a bug on my end? Has anyone else spotted any enemy units that shouldn’t be Eximus units/have overgaurd? Or is this an intentional thing with the new update?

I’ve seen a Hyekka with overgaurd too.

submitted by /u/Givs_Bearhugz
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/vflfha/security_camera_eximus/

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