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submitted by /u/JINXnocturnal [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/von0r4/ive_seen_some_cool_orbiters_so_i_thought_id_share/
Warframe wiki - Actualizado - GAMEPLAYS de Warframe Los videos de gameplay tienen una presencia cada vez mayor en Internet. ...
With harrow prime accessories even come back
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The wheels should be golden [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sadisticebolabird [link] [comments] |
I tried to download it but everytime it finished, it started to download -Numbers
Don't know what's wrong but I now used the Steam version and it worked perfectly.
Please fix the standalone client DE
Obviously warframe has an insane variety of frames to play, all of which has different purposes. What frames do you feel you can run on any mission with high efficiency?
So my friend got the Okina collection last night but when I went to the store today all I see is the Towsun pack that is free. Did I miss out on it by just a few hours?
Im new to warframe and I am wondering what mods are useful for most builds and other mods that I should be farming for. Also what weapons should I use? Ive heard about multishot weapons but dont know how to get them.
Welcome to Winter!
Winter has been a home for gamers since the late 90s when our founders discovered the joys of online gaming. We are a community of gamers 16+ in age spanning across all current generation platforms and numerous games, from PC to Nintendo Switch, Modern Warfare to Dungeons and Dragons. With over 10000 members, we have a place for everyone regardless of your gaming preference.
Whilst we encourage friendly competition, we are not a home for toxicity; we do not have ‘sponsors’, and avoid dealing with ‘eSports’. Each game has a unique approach to fulfilling that competitive itch, though we do not solicit our members with products or encourage an elitist attitude.
Winter offers our members a place to call home. We understand that personal life comes first; if you have to leave gaming, there will be no repercussions — Winter will always be here for you. We also offer a Discord server( https://discord.gg/FXeeDzM8gd), and website (https://winterclan.net/), to ensure we are able to communicate effectively with our members, and that they have all the tools necessary to get in the game!
For more information, or to join, please reach out to the following users on Discord:
Playstation: ArceeMu55#2734 - crit_d#4683 - Vonkampf#4303 - Ad4m#5758
PC: H3X#7467 - Soulsupernova#3678 - BenjoSpaha#9422 - Dawns Redemption#2277 - Chris Finch#6140
XBox: ArceeMu55#2734 - H3X#7467
Just got nidus prime, and was thinking which weapons would be good for him. I'm a relative beginner if it matters. I saw a lot of people using hema/hirudo with him, would they be a good choice? Are there any other weapons worth getting that match his playstyle well?
Royal Destiny Academy is perfect for players looking for an chill friendly environment that offers a playful experience and content for both casual and veteran players, while still keeping the quality standard of the Royal Destiny community. Newer player are welcome to join, learn, and feel welcomed into RD community.
Everything sound good to you? Awesome! Now follow the steps below to apply for an invite to one of our clans.
Note: Before joining, ensure you have messages from server members enabled so the bot can PM you.
What are your favorite option for dealing with overguards on eximus on high level content? Overguards are supposed to be weak to void damage, while they do take increased damage from it, on high levels the overguard is so tanky that it is just best to shoot the eximus unit with a really high dps weapon.
Given that, what are your go to in this situation? And do you think DE should change things so that amps would be the most effective way for breaking overguards?
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submitted by /u/tpemp [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Crappy_reddit_user [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Rekindled96 [link] [comments] |
\\\\\ WARNING /////
We're a lively, hoppin' group of socially unstable and quite possibly mentally derranged individuals. We are not therapists. We are not a good influence. Do not take us home to your mother. Do not ask what the name means.
If you're still reading, then by all means... come seal your fate join our ragtag band of miscreants and scoundrels! Assuming you're not put off by abusive bots, educational insights into crustacean genitalia, or alcohol-fueled discussions about high explosives, you're welcome to join our family of bullshit. We welcome any brand new Warframe players, and if you stick around longer than 3.87 seconds, we'll help you get on your feet and teach you the game! Long-time players are fine too, I guess (just wipe your feet before you come in).
But don't say I didn't warn ya, fucker!
Come hang out and talk with us about Warframe, shawarma, Norwegian folk dancing, or why Rainbowdash is the best pony.
If you don't want to join our clan itself, that's totally fine! Feel free to join our Discord just for shits.
Our server is fully operational, offering such amenities as:
General discussion, for shooting the shit (I mean, duh, who doesn't have this? Losers, that's who).
Up-to-date updates on Warframe, paraphrased by me!
> Cause who really gives a fuck about how they fixed the grammar of the mod description for Rifle Aptitude? I mean seriously...
Getting mental... uh, I mean, Warframe help!
Showcases for your builds or fashionframe!
Ripping off er, Trading with other members! Absolutely nothing shady goes on here. ...Why are you looking at me like that?
Sharing cat gifs! or game deals! or your art! It ain't all about Warframe, even though it mostly is...
And, in case you say anything particularly stupid or embarrassing, don't worry! We got you covered, with a channel specifically for quoting your every fuckup for posterity.
Occasional contests and/or giveaways
and more!
We also have a metric fuckload of bots that offer server utilities such as:
Alerts/Announcements: sign up for personalized alerts for rare items such as potatoes, forma, wraith/vandal invasions, Cetus Dawn/Sunset, and more, which will ping you in Discord when one of your subscribed items appears. Plus, it'll also let you know when the daily server reset happens, when daily missions reset, and when weekly missions reset. We also have announcements for when Baro arrives to bring Primed Disappointment, and when the Steel Path weekly honors switch over (which you can basically just ignore unless it says "Umbra Forma").
> Ours is custom-made for our server specifically, and the notifications look niiiiice. We put a lot of effort into the aesthetic of things around here.
Activity: Being active in Discord and socializing rewards you, with access to DB clan membership, expanded permissions, contests, competitions, giveaways, special channels etc.
> Our activity bot is also custom-made just for us and does what no other bot around will do— unlike most bots that just track your total posts from all time in a linear fashion (ie you only ever go up in rank), our bot is adaptive. It tracks your real-time activity over the past 30 days and assigns you an activity tier based on that (in voice and text activity). It can go up or down. It's super fucking cool.
Self-Roles: There are a variety of self-roles you can apply:
> Mastery Rank: Assigning a mastery rank role will announce your promotion in chat so everyone can not give a fuck congratulate you!
> Quest Progression: List where you're at in Warframe so the rest of us know whether or not to gaslight the fuck out of you about Stalker! ...I mean, what Stalker? Plus it also give you access to the #spoiler_chat
channel to keep lore discussion away from Dreamers' eyes.
> Syndicates: Indicate which syndicate(s) you're a part of, so you can easily ping members of that syndicate to trade or run daily missions.
> WF Mission Groups: Add roles for a variety of mission types such as Sorties, Kuva, Fissures, Arbitrations, Index, Onslaught, Eidolons, Profit-Taker, Exploiter, and more, so that you can easily link up with others who want to play those same missions.
> Other Games: Add other games you play (from our list of commonly-shared games) so you can more easily connect with people to play! But why do that when you can just play Warframe? I mean, come on...
> Time Zone: Adding your time zone will let others know what time to expect you to be awake! ...which of course is "never" because sleep is for the weak.
> and more!
Logging: See when new people join the server, or someone leaves, or when they join/leave a voice channel, or when they're banned, or get a new role, etc. Now obviously other servers do that too, but do theirs throw vapid insults at users who leave? Yeah, didn't think so.
Autoresponses: "Fun" call-and-response commands, because who doesn't love a bot that wishes you goodnight, and has a smashing sense of humor? I mean, it also does useful shit too, like telling you the drop locations of certain warframes or resources, or telling you if a certain prime is vaulted. You can even use it to grab wiki links,, subreddits, Urban Dictionary articles, and more. It's been programmed with over 4000 lines of response code alone. You can even ask it "Who's playing Warframe?"
Reminders: Set quick reminders for yourself! Want to get a ping when that new warframe is done crafting? You got it!
Oh, and remember that quotes channel I mentioned? Yep, we've even got a bot to pull a random quote once a day to remind you of the dumb shit you've said! Isn't that wonderful?
and more!
We play some other games on the side too:
(Warframe's still our main thing though)
Try DB for 30 days free of charge, after which there are no additional charges either!
Unless you want to buy a shirt.
Yes, we have shirts.
No, it will not help you get laid.
Or at least, it hasn't worked for most of us...
DISCLAIMER: Signing on entitles you no benefits. You hereby sign over your soul, firstborn child, house (where applicable), your cat, and any spare change on the floor of your car. By joining this server, we are hereby legally entitled to harvest and/or resell your organs upon death or departure from the server. Your Orbiter is now officially the property of Duces Benevolens, its affiliates, and possibly the nearest dairy farm. You waive any rights to protest, reform, or otherwise usurp the government of Lithuania. If you leave and wish to rejoin this server at any time, you will be subject to all laws under the statute of Go Fuck Yourself (case #8008135, subsection D), as well as a fifteen thousand (15000) Rubles severance fine. Failure to pay the aforementioned fine will result in death or other possible risk of bodily harm. Do not take Duces Benevolens except as recommended by your doctor. If you experience Duces Benevolens for more than four hours, please seek immediate medical attention.
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submitted by /u/Cecilia_Schariac [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/phillyCheeseSteaks00 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sadisticebolabird [link] [comments] |
Outside of the obvious reasons, is the necramech used heavily for any content? I'm finding the rep grind to get blueprints rather boring and kind of want to skip it.
I need the thing for New War and I'm guessing that's required to be done prior to Steel Path.
Trying to decide if I just keep at the grind until I have everything or just blow the plat so I can progress.
Title. I thought it was weird. So I shared.
Looking for a clan that doesn’t mind taking on a new player
Welcome to Winter!
Winter has been a home for gamers since the late 90s when our founders discovered the joys of online gaming. We are a community of gamers 16+ in age spanning across all current generation platforms and numerous games, from PC to Nintendo Switch, Modern Warfare to Dungeons and Dragons. With over 10000 members, we have a place for everyone regardless of your gaming preference.
Whilst we encourage friendly competition, we are not a home for toxicity; we do not have ‘sponsors’, and avoid dealing with ‘eSports’. Each game has a unique approach to fulfilling that competitive itch, though we do not solicit our members with products or encourage an elitist attitude.
Winter offers our members a place to call home. We understand that personal life comes first; if you have to leave gaming, there will be no repercussions — Winter will always be here for you. We also offer a Discord server( https://discord.gg/FXeeDzM8gd), and website (https://winterclan.net/), to ensure we are able to communicate effectively with our members, and that they have all the tools necessary to get in the game!
For more information, or to join, please reach out to the following users on Discord:
Playstation: ArceeMu55#2734 - crit_d#4683 - Vonkampf#4303 - Ad4m#5758
PC: H3X#7467 - SoulSupernova#3678 - BenjoSpaha#9422 - Dawns Redemption#2277 - Chris Finch#6140
XBox: ArceeMu55#2734 - H3X#7467
Attention! Do you have an abundance of relics that you wanna open, but don't have a team to run them with? Do you want to get a specific prime part, but have shit rng? Well look no further. We here at Relic Inc. pride ourselves into Relic Farming and Relic Opening.
We host weekly give-aways, daily relic farming + opening squads, a social hub for people to chill, daily assistance when needed!
Sounds like a good clan, eh? Well, drop your Xbox name below and I'll send ya a message!
Good luck, Tenno. Stay clear!
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submitted by /u/majd4bruh [link] [comments] |
Royal Destiny Academy is perfect for players looking for an chill friendly environment that offers a playful experience and content for both casual and veteran players, while still keeping the quality standard of the Royal Destiny community. Newer player are welcome to join, learn, and feel welcomed into RD community.
Everything sound good to you? Awesome! Now follow the steps below to apply for an invite to one of our clans.
Note: Before joining, ensure you have messages from server members enabled so the bot can PM you.
New to the game literally on the 2nd planet (Mercury I think). Do I just follow the star chart and do all the missions that appear in the codex when I meet the minimum requirements? Are there good frames that I should be farming.
Any help for a new space ninja would be appreciate.
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submitted by /u/LudoAvarius [link] [comments] |
So a while ago soon after the Eximus update I was doing a Spy Sortie Mission when I noticed a camera had the new Eximus overgaurd over it’s healthbar.
I only do Sorties if they have a spy mission and my primary method of XP farming has been on Oceanum Pluto since Atlas was released so I’m pretty familiar with how Corpus security cameras should look like and never before have I seen an Camera Eximus unit.
Was this just a bug on my end? Has anyone else spotted any enemy units that shouldn’t be Eximus units/have overgaurd? Or is this an intentional thing with the new update?
I’ve seen a Hyekka with overgaurd too.
If you shoot through volt shield you get a separate dmg instance of 50% of dmg as electric.
Shocktrooper is additive to other mods
I assume grendel dmg buff is additive but I don't have grendel yet
But what happens if you have grendel buff and shocktrooper buff? Do they combine to create corrosive?
would grendel buff interact with the shield to create corrosive ?
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submitted by /u/Rekindled96 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/IdleOutlaw [link] [comments] |