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domingo, 1 de mayo de 2022

Voidplume Pinion farming tips - Void Angels, basic guide and tips

First thing, I didn't really know which flair to use, so I used discussion

So, You've decided that you need to farm some pinions, either for standing, building incarnons or something else, but you don't know how to start/have a hard time doing this? Here's a small guide and a list of tips that may help you out.

Finding the Angel

To get Pinions you need to find a dormant Void Angel, which is simple. So far I know 2 methods:

- Take that one bounty that orders you to kill a dormant angel, it's the easiest way, because there's a guaranteed spawn and it shows you it's location (or at least should)

- Start any mission and look for it. Angels always spawn in those really big rooms, usually in the same spot (or one of the two possible). Supposedly in endless they like to spawn close to objectives. My preferable mission is extermination, because of unlimited time, map access and no pressure from objectives.

Angels have a really characteristic look so it shouldn't be that hard to identify them. Places they spawn make them look a bit out of place.

Example - A Void Angel located in that big room with drumms

Fighting the Angel - Tips

Once you wake it up, you gotta kill it. Here's some tips for everyone who needs them:

- First things first, weakness. This thing makes Blast damage viable for once - it has machinery health type, which takes 75% more damage from blast.

- Armor stripping works here, checked with Unairu school Caustic Strike

- Aim for the head! Void Angels have a head in the usual spot that works as a weak point and activates mods like Galvanized Scope

- Like most bosses with healthbars, status procs can't exceed 4

- Remember to bring an amp, preferably with long range. To harm Void Angel in it's healing phase (more about it in a second) you can even use the basic 1-1-1 amp, which actually works really well here

Fighting the Angel - Basics and patterns

To kill them, you shoot them, simple. But there are some telegraphed moves that you should watch out for:

- If you see the Void Angel charging a red ball above itself, shoot that ball with your amp. It will also stagger the Angel for a second

- If you see the Angel flying in one spot, it's gonna go into a portal. In this brief moment when it's in animation, shoot it. Once it enters, it is invulnerable. After a second it's gonna try to drop on your head, so watch out. On landing it also produces a small shockwave.

- Angel getting it's arm in the air means it's gonna make a pinning attack - once it hits the ground it sends spikes that, once those hit your warframe, are gonna make it unusable and force you into the operator form. If you're quick enough, you can dodge them with a roll, or your companion might take Angels attention instead and those are gonna be sent at them. If the spikes hit you and force you into your operator form, shoot at the floor below your warframe to get rid of them, preferably with something that has small aoe (like 1-1-1 amp alt fire).

Once you get a healthbar down, Angel will start to heal. When it's healing you gotta jump into that yellow orb above it. It will then transport you into void, where you must shoot the Angel with your amp and destroy it's shields, before it regenerates. Again, aim at the head, since it's a weakpoint. All attacks can be dodged with void mode. Noticable patterns:

- If it whiffes it's arm at you, waves of lasers are gonna appear with a delay, with increase of numbers of waves with it's shield gone.

- It can spit a red orb at you that can be destroyed mid air with your amp. A direct hit will cause in you going back into your warframe. Orb that hit you will also produce a lingering cloud that damages you if you stand in it.

- Once 1/3 of it's shields are gone, Angels is gonna reinforce itself with yellow orbs, that make it invulnerable and heal it, before it teleports (and once it telepoerts any orb that was still intact is gonna heal it even more). Void sling through them, to destroy them.

- One very important thing, once you destroy an orb and land, it's gonna produce a positive field that's gonna greatly increase your amp damage (like 2x), make sure to take advantage of that

- After some time it's gonna teleport to a distance and charge a laser beam. This is where a long range amp shines, since it's all vulnerable in that time. You can simply counter that laser with the use of void mode.

Once you take down it's shields, one healthbar is gone. You'll need to do that one more time.

Also, when the first bar is gone, you'll need to watch out for 2 more things:

- Angel is gonna emmit a cloud of red mist that heals it (really rapidly) when it damages you, so melee isn't an option here really. It doesn't linger much by itself, and is usually quickly gone once Angel teleports

- Angel is gonna clap it's hands, which will result in the mist spawning at your current location. A quick dodge should do the trick

That should be about everything about it, thanks for reading. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

submitted by /u/IronShoot333
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ugavaw/voidplume_pinion_farming_tips_void_angels_basic/

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