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domingo, 29 de mayo de 2022

Rework Conclave

Seriously, so much potential just being ignored.

You can use the New War: Kahl-175, Veso and Teshin mechanics. Possibly add some ground vehicles.

Corpus vs Grineer.

No bullet jumping and just a classic 3rd person shooter between factions would appeal more to the public then what it is now. The general Warframe mechanics just don't work for Conclave. Maybe it did way back when bullet jumping wasn't a thing, but now it just feels like a complete mess. Even moreso on console.

Adding specific classes and weapons would also become easier to balance for Conclave. You won't have to balance and/or remove every new weapon that comes out, because you'll have set classes/weapons you can choose from.

You can make it into an appealing PVP shooter. Leaving it to rot with it's 10 player playerbase is just a pitty.

I don't know if others agree with this, but having a SW: Battlefront 2 style gameplay in a Warframe universe would be dope as hell.

submitted by /u/Red_Snow123
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/v0lnq0/rework_conclave/

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