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jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

Rant about trading copies of max rank mods/arcanes

Rant about trading copies of max rank mods/arcanes

You're probably aware of this since it has been a thing for years, but equipping any single mod will mark all copies of the mod at the same rank as 'equipped', see the image for an example:

I bet that 90% of you didn't even knew there was an indicator for equipped mods.

The problem with this is that when trying to sell, dissolve, or trade ANY such mod will always result in 'this mod is currently equipped' warning, and finishing the action will unequip said mod from everywhere it was used on.

The same thing applies for arcane enhancements as well.

This has always been a HUGE problem for trading, because If I want to sell a maxed out mod such as [Blind rage] I will literally have to go through all 48 warframes currently in the game and see if their builds were broken or not, not to mention multiple builds per warframe.

I hope this issue can be finally addressed, thank you.

submitted by /u/ninjakivi2
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/uyjo83/rant_about_trading_copies_of_max_rank_modsarcanes/

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