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miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2022

Is there a way to make the aiming more linear?

I've been messing with my sensitivity for a while and I can't seem to find a sweet spot. I play a lot of Titanfall 2 and I can't consistently hit targets while moving at mach 2 off of a fat grapple but with Warframe my aim is shaky. It feels like there's a lot of aim acceleration.

Is there a way to change this? Or is there a third party program I can use to override the in game settings?

Even after 300 hours it feels really really weird.

submitted by /u/spilly_sock_spock
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/uxsoam/is_there_a_way_to_make_the_aiming_more_linear/

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