Hi, I just started playing Warframe and I need an archwing segment. If anyone is willing to recruit me, that would mean alot! Tysm.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/18vmg60/intclanpc_looking_for_a_clan/
Warframe wiki - Actualizado - GAMEPLAYS de Warframe Los videos de gameplay tienen una presencia cada vez mayor en Internet. ...
Hi, I just started playing Warframe and I need an archwing segment. If anyone is willing to recruit me, that would mean alot! Tysm.
Y’know, I see people go “I’m cursed” when bad things happen and it’s like…
Ok? But we can use the knowledge from that to recalibrate the Jahu gargoyle
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We have every bit of research 221/221, Dagath room and RJ and Gargoyle for free! If you dont wanna read the block of text below just join our discord and ask for an invite to join. We take everyone on every platform and we do our best to help everyone to the best of our ability. https://discord.gg/fYCTBaE The KoolKids are recruiting! We are looking for both new and veteran players! People of all MRs are welcome!-We have all of the research done!📷-Fully decorated Dojo!📷-A Rank 11 Clan📷-A rather kool emblem -------------- Some quick info ---------------- No Begging-Can fabricate weapons without donating Riven channel with bot and grading Help running content you might need to do And a chill group to play some missions with Join here for an invite WE TAKE EVERYONE ON ANY PLATFORM! We also have a big and active alliance pm for any details and metrics. [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Correct-Basil-8397 [link] [comments] |
(Please read this post in its entirety before requesting an invite)
As the title implies, we're mostly looking for new and casual players! We fully understand that sometimes, life happens and you nor anyone else can really do much about it. So we have an inactivity clause that welcomes players to return if they are removed and more!
At ASGC, we're all about enjoying our Warframe experience, and we encourage Tenno to play how they please. Don't like the Meta? Cool. Build that goofy/niche weapon/warframe to your specs.
As long as you are having fun, then do it. This is a game, after all!
Join the Discord Server for the quickest means of getting an invite: ASGC Discord Server
(If you do not have discord, please comment below and we will reply ASAP!)
If you don't know how to navigate the Warframe UI or Discord(App not browser), here are some examples:
OPTION 1: Copy the following line, and paste it in your Warframe chat text field to contact me. (Make sure the field is empty!)
/w Alexion Hello! I'm interested in joining Aurum Sanctuary! --(Other usernames from above can be used as well)
OPTION 2: If that doesn't work, send us friend requests! (Links for reference)
(If you do not have discord, please comment below and we will reply ASAP!)
OPTION 3: If the above isn't working, or not to your preference, then just join the discord and discuss the situation there.
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submitted by /u/Vex_Trooper [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/NinjaMaster231456 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/XxX_6ZjemCiButy9_XxX [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Zegtendo4005 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/MarginMaster87 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Escanorlordoftheswol [link] [comments] |
rG Affinity is recruiting both new and veteran players! If you are looking for a community to trade, explore, learn and grow with... come fight with us! We are an age 17+ gaming community. We accept members from all platforms as long you can use discord for text and voice communication.
At Affinity Battalion in rG (Rapture Gaming), we have a mix of veteran players and players just learning the game. Our community’s discord also has battalions for many other games too (destiny, cod, apex, overwatch, and many more) with hundreds of other members! The Warframe clan specifically is small to medium size (currently about 50 players) with a rank 11 storm dojo that has all research done!
We host dedicated game nights for our members to group up, explore the Sol System, make a fortune and grind those Mastery Ranks. Our veteran players are available to assist you with Star Chart, Void Fissures, Eidolon Captures, Archon Hunts, Steel Path, Duviri, and advice on Warframe builds for whatever actions you have in mind. On top of that we have an active discord server for help, builds, or general advice. We also host monthly fashion frame competitions!
Our members are primarily based out of North America, Europe, and Oceania so you can usually find other members on during a wide range of times!
Note: We are an active and social community. If you don’t plan to play at least once every 14 days and engage in chats on occasion with other members of the community on the discord, then this may not be the best fit for you. If you ever do get removed for inactivity, you’re always welcome to rejoin when you’re playing again!
Feel free to DM for more information, or if you think you’re ready, follow the discord link and instructions below.
Follow the onscreen instructions for joining and once you request Affinity (our warframe battalion) just wait for an admin to manually verify you and that’s it, you’re in!
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submitted by /u/tufaat [link] [comments] |
Fully researched clan only missing colors
Ignis wraith available
Very chill clan, mostly looking for people to help with the new event! No activity or MR requirements!
Warlord IGN DrayMiow PC, shoot me a message on discord (dray_justdray) or in game for an invite
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submitted by /u/Controlledfire454797 [link] [comments] |
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Just when you think the recent attention would get more people to play your favorite Warframe. [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Szymon_Patrzyk [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/NinjaMaster231456 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/NinjaMaster231456 [link] [comments] |
Returning player (280+ Hours mostly solo) looking for a LBGTQIA+ Clan (PC) (CST)
I'm returning to the game after leaving Destiny 2 due to the giant layoff prior to the next expansion. I've been turned off by a lot of the LFG communities for games having every type of "phob" imaginable and other clans being a bit too elitist for my taste.
I've a background in MMO raiding on PC, including FFXIV / WoW of over 10 years. I was also an avid raider in D1 & D2. I'm currently in the process of refamiliarizing myself with Warframe and would love some guidance and groups to do activities with. I'd like to find an active clan that welcomes new / returning players and veterans alike.
I can be reached at any time on discord via my username "Shadowstation".
I look forward to meeting other progressive gamers looking to experience endgame with.
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submitted by /u/Zegtendo4005 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/nerankori [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/One-Angry-Goose [link] [comments] |
\\\\\ WARNING /////
We're a lively, hoppin' group of socially unstable and quite possibly mentally deranged individuals. We are not therapists. We are not a good influence. Do not take us home to your mother. Do not ask what the name means.
If you're still reading, then by all means... come seal your fate and join our ragtag band of miscreants and scoundrels! Assuming you're not put off by abusive bots, educational insights into crustacean genitalia, or alcohol-fueled discussions about high explosives, you're welcome to join our family of bullshit. We welcome any brand new Warframe players, and if you stick around longer than 3.87 seconds, we'll help you get on your feet and teach you the game! Long-time players are fine too, I guess (just wipe your feet before you come in).
Come hang out and talk with us about Warframe, moronic architectural designers who have no grasp on reality, semen-based mathematics, and more!
If you don't want to join our clan itself, that's totally fine—feel free to join our Discord anyway!
You can still join to chat and use our resources... or you can be one of those creepy lurkers that just sits in the background on mute. We won't judge! Except we totally fucking will.
Our server is fully operational, offering such amenities as:
General discussion, for shooting the shit (I mean, duh, who doesn't have this? Losers, that's who).
Up-to-date updates on Warframe, paraphrased by me!
> Up-to-date-ness taken with a grain of salt...
Getting mental... uh, I mean, Warframe help!
Showcases for your builds or fashionframe!
Ripping off er, Trading with other members! Absolutely nothing shady goes on here. ...Why are you looking at me like that?
Sharing cat gifs! or game deals! or your art! It ain't all about Warframe, even though it mostly is...
And, in case you say anything particularly stupid or embarrassing, don't worry! We got you covered, with a channel specifically for recording every fucked-up thing you say, with next to zero regard for context.
Occasional contests and/or giveaways for active members.
and more!
We also have a metric fuckload of bots that offer server utilities such as:
Alerts/Announcements: sign up for personalized alerts for rare items such as potatoes, forma, wraith/vandal invasions, Cetus Dawn/Sunset, and more, which will ping you in Discord when one of your subscribed items appears. Plus, it'll also let you know when the daily server reset happens, when daily missions reset, and when weekly missions reset. We also have announcements for when Baro arrives to bring Primed Disappointment, and when the Steel Path weekly honors switch over (which you can basically just ignore unless it says "Umbra Forma").
> Ours is custom-made for our server specifically, and the notifications look niiiiice. We put a lot of effort into the aesthetic of things around here.
Activity: Being active in Discord and socializing rewards you, with access to DB clan membership, expanded permissions, contests, competitions, giveaways, special channels etc.
> Our activity bot is also custom-made just for us and does what no other bot around will do—unlike most bots that just track your total posts from all time in a linear fashion (i.e. you only ever go up in rank), our bot is adaptive. It tracks your real-time activity over the past 30 days and assigns you an activity tier based on that (in voice and text activity). It can go up or down. It's super fucking cool.
Self-Roles: There are a variety of self-roles you can apply:
> Mastery Rank: Assigning a mastery rank role will announce your promotion in chat so everyone can not give a fuck congratulate you!
> Quest Progression: List where you're at in Warframe so the rest of us know whether or not to gaslight the fuck out of you about Stalker! ...I mean, what Stalker? Plus it also give you access to the #spoiler_chat
channel to keep lore discussion away from Dreamers' eyes.
> Syndicates: Indicate which syndicate(s) you're a part of, so you can easily ping members of that syndicate to trade or run daily missions.
> WF Mission Groups: Add roles for a variety of mission types such as Sorties, Kuva, Fissures, Arbitrations, Index, Onslaught, Eidolons, Profit-Taker, Exploiter, and more, so that you can easily link up with others who want to play those same missions.
> Other Games: Add other games you play (from our list of commonly-shared games) so you can more easily connect with people to play! But why do that when you can just play Warframe? I mean, come on...
> Time Zone: Adding your time zone will let others know what time to expect you to be awake! ...which of course is "never" because sleep is for the weak.
> and more!
Logging: See when new people join the server, or someone leaves, or when they're banned, or get a new role, etc. Now obviously other servers do that too, but do theirs throw vapid insults at users who leave? Yeah, didn't think so.
Autoresponses: "Fun" call-and-response commands, because who doesn't love a bot that wishes you goodnight, and has a smashing sense of humor? I mean, it also does useful shit too, like telling you the drop locations of warframes or resources, or telling you if a certain prime is vaulted. You can even use it to grab wiki links,, subreddits, Urban Dictionary articles, and more. It's been programmed with over 19,000 lines of response code alone. You can even ask it "Who's playing Warframe?"
Reminders: Set quick reminders for yourself! Want to get a ping when that new warframe is done crafting? You got it!
Oh, and remember that quotes channel I mentioned? Yep, we've even got a bot to pull a random quote back up from the depths to remind you of the dumb shit you said three years ago! Isn't that wonderful?
and more!
We play some other games on the side too:
or whatever the current flavor of the week happens to be...
(Warframe's still our main thing though)
Try DB for 30 days free of charge, after which there are no additional charges either!
Unless you want to buy a shirt.
Yes, we have shirts.
No, it will not help you get laid.
Or at least, it hasn't worked for me yet...
The entire population of Earth#8611
has left the server
> our bot
okay well ya'll are the most rude and unaccommodating people i've never met. nonsensical chatter and unsupportive to newbies. I've seen enough here peace
> ViperDrake, after sending 5 whole messages
my ears... I was not prepared for 30+ pings immediately!
i'm sobbing so it wasn't false advertising
> Codilicious
This is wonderful.
I want to raise a family here.
> Dash Lambda
DISCLAIMER: Signing on entitles you no benefits. You hereby sign over your soul, firstborn child, house (where applicable), your cat, and any spare change on the floor of your car. By joining this server, we are hereby legally entitled to harvest and/or resell your organs upon death or departure from the server. Your Orbiter is now officially the property of Duces Benevolens, its affiliates, and possibly the nearest dairy farm. You waive any rights to protest, reform, or otherwise usurp the government of Lithuania. If you leave and wish to rejoin this server at any time, you will be subject to all laws under the statute of Go Fuck Yourself (§8008135, subsection D), as well as a fifteen thousand (15000) Rubles severance fine. Failure to pay the aforementioned fine will result in death or other possible risk of bodily harm. Do not take Duces Benevolens except as recommended by your doctor. If you experience Duces Benevolens for more than four hours, please seek immediate medical attention.
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lol. Good times. [link] [comments] |
MR27, LGBT 29M Australian (Brisbane) player looking for a small Australian clan with an active Discord and similarly aged/ranked players. Recently merged and left my previous clan due to inactivity.
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We have every bit of research 221/221, Dagath room and RJ. If you dont wanna read the block of text below just join our discord and ask for an invite to join. We take everyone on every platform and we do our best to help everyone to the best of our ability.
We are looking for both new and veteran players! People of all MRs are welcome!-We have all of the research done!📷-Fully decorated Dojo!📷-A Rank 11 Clan📷-A rather kool emblem -------------- Some quick info ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join here for an invite WE TAKE EVERYONE ON ANY PLATFORM https://discord.gg/fYCTBaE ! We also have a big and active alliance pm for any details and metrics. [link] [comments] |
WTS. For plat! Sorry if this breaks the rules. I did not see any rule about selling. Anyways, I am a old tenno who been on and off. I have a clan that has almost everything completed and tons of rescources for who ever to decorate. Loads of them in the bank. My clan is the Clemian Empire it started out as me and my brother in arms making a place for all to come. Sadly, all who came tainted the walls with poor memories and miasma fills the halls for me. Me and my brother decided to sell it. I would love to see any offers and would love to negotiate i garentee that at least 90 percent of it is done all weapons should be completed and give you my word that ill help if any still needs to be completed. All thats is there to research is pigments. If interested message me. Again sorry if this breaks rules.
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submitted by /u/GenZ0-234X [link] [comments] |
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Got rank 5 with cavia [link] [comments] |
I haven't played since 2018, before that 2013. Before I quit I was endgame, tricked out as I could be. I came back a little less than a week ago, MR16, caught up on quests. I play nidus exclusively, unless I'm working on my MR. Looking for some chill dudes to help me out with pointers and to grind with so I can eventually get back to where I was power wise. I play on deck but can make voice work however (important for me since it makes the grind more enjoyable/coordination easier). Hear this gargoyle has some stuff I want (dont quite know what it is but its an event so I'm in). I'm an adult with proper work so limited to 2-4 hours a day typically, but daily player. Not looking for some giant group of strangers or teenage politics, just a group to play with regularly.
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submitted by /u/Boring-Dingo2114 [link] [comments] |
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✨Discord: https://discord.gg/GladsLegion ✨ ✨ What We Offer You ✨
✨ Our Achievements, Shortlisted ✨ Celestial - #7 Mountain Clan in Pacifism Defect ✨ Our Clans: ✨ [Celestial Gladiators] - MR20+ | Competitive endgame storm clan | International [Nightfall Gladiators] - MR7+ | OCE/Asia regional moon clan [Quantum Gladiators] - MR0+ all access moon clans | Newbie friendly ✨ About Celestial and Tempest Gladiators ✨ CelesTempest are twin Mountain Clans with 100% research each. These clans are for MR15+ Tenno who enjoy a more veteran playstyle and are generally the more experienced clans. Tenno from Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and surrounding areas can become Celestial members, while European and American members join Tempest branch. Celestial also has full access to the Ignis Wraith in the Clan Dojo. ✨ About Nightfall, Darkstar, and Aurora Gladiators ✨ Nightfall, Darkstar, and Aurora are triplet Moon Clans with 100% research except for some Pigments. Clan members have access to Ignis Wraith through our Clan Discord. These clans have a minimum MR of 7 to join and are split up by region. Tenno from Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and surrounding areas will become Nightfall members, while Tenno from Europe or the Americas can become Aurora members. Darkstar is the international of the triplet clans and accepts members from any country! ✨ About Solar, Lunar, Radiant, and Quantum Gladiators ✨ SoLuRaQ are Triplet Moon Clans with 100% research. Solar, Lunar, and Radiant are open to ALL tenno of any MR, skill level, playstyle, and from anywhere in the world. Both Clans have 100% research except for some Pigments, and clan members can access Ignis Wraith through our Clan Discord. Just because they don't have an MR cap, doesn't mean they're not full of surprises - the communities in these clans are second to none! ✨ To Join ✨ Head over to our discord server and follow the instructions for quicker responses if you face any issues, don't hesitate and ask me right away on discord for directions "Abdrabbo#1464" or ask in here. Discord: https://discord.gg/GladsLegion Thank you, Tenno! [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Yoda_King_9 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Boring-Dingo2114 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Overly_Thankful [link] [comments] |
(This is our new logo, which has been submitted and in the process of being approved by DE.)
(This is our old logo, which is currently in-game.)
ShockForce is recruiting!
I’m REALLY bad at TLDRs - but to be fair, We’ve packed a lot into this clan!
The “Intergalactic Research Vessel Event Horizon.” - for a research ship, it's got some big cannons.
Available now: Cephalon Derecho would like to give everyone a holiday gift! Hopefully it won’t end in a… Cuddly Catastrophe.
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submitted by /u/ArchangelSA [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Shadownia-Shiro [link] [comments] |
[TCT] clan is looking to grow! 18+
✨Rank 11 Mountain Clan ✨100% Research ✨Dry Dock ✨Discord Giveaways ✨21 Day Inactivity Limit ✨Clan Emblem ✨18+ ✨🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Boy-oh-boy do I have good news for you!
Tomorrow Comes Today
] is non-toxic, LGBTIAQ+ friendly & primarily NA clan that wants to make our clan bigger and expand internationally with many active fun players that want to play events, join endurance runs and help people farm (whatever it is you need to farm).
Are you looking for a community based on community spirit? Are you tired of elitism, rage-quitting and impossible expectations? Are you fed up with gimmicks and overacting for the sake of attention?
We have the place for YOU!
TCTGaming is a beacon amidst the latest trends, founded on values that may be long-forgotten elsewhere. If you are a gamer, new or old, who believes in the values of community, friendship and family, WE WANT YOU!
I am recruiting for Warframe
and we are trying to build our International player base so we can have people playing at all times around the world.
100% research done.
Joining is as simple as eating pie. Join our Discord using our invite link. The rules are simple and I can always help. My name on here, the Discord server and my PSN is SunnyPigtails
. Other Warlords to seek out are spikesdg321
, panteonezln
, zachary0001
. There isn't an application so that's even easier. Once you're on the Discord channel we can take it from there. Can't wait to see you!
Discord access & active in-game are requirements
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submitted by /u/Tyrinnus [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/GolettO3 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/AtlasNotFound24 [link] [comments] |
Looking for small Peaceful fun NON-TOXIC , Non racist Clan all research done. I work a 9-5 I'm a Girl dad so no time for BS just want to shoot stuff have fun and play the game PS I also play destiny so there will be days I'm not active on warframe. I'm on Xbox looking to link to PS5 once cross platform is released
Thank you for your time -
MST Timezone
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submitted by /u/hexaqute [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Hitler-Clone [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Sakkiez [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/tyger2101 [link] [comments] |
I'm just getting into the game again and I'm looking for a decently sized group to play with.
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submitted by /u/AzureArmageddon [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/ImmortalMewtwo [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/IndominasaurusYT [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Raszard [link] [comments] |
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So many layers [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/NinjaMaster231456 [link] [comments] |
Hello Tenos,
i am new to the warframe universe and i am eagerly wanting to get deep into this! I am hoping to find a clan that is open to recruiting new players to help show them the ropes! i absolutely love the aesthetic of this game so i am hoping to find a great community i can grow in! let me know!
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submitted by /u/Chaosxandra [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/OnFireDonkey [link] [comments] |
Who are we?
PC clans are serious business, or so we’ve been told. No, we don’t really believe it either. In our opinion, a clan should be a group of people who hang around chatting about nothing very important, help their fellow Tenno throughout the Solar System and occasionally get together to run relics until your eyes bleed.
Are you looking for an organised, impressive Clan filled with lots of serious players? You like clans where the clan leaders are Eidolon pros, and anyone less than MR10 is kicked to the curb? Well, we do have a few pros but if that’s all you’re looking for I think you're in the wrong place!
Welcome to Apex Legions, a casual clan for the masses. Just good plain fun.
What can our Clan offer you?
How to Join?
Join our discord https://discord.gg/r8ZaWUD and @Staff to get an invite in game. We will get back to you as soon as possible!
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✨Discord: https://discord.gg/GladsLegion ✨ ✨ What We Offer You ✨
✨ Our Achievements, Shortlisted ✨ Celestial - #7 Mountain Clan in Pacifism Defect ✨ Our Clans: ✨ [Celestial Gladiators] - MR20+ | Competitive endgame storm clan | International [Nightfall Gladiators] - MR7+ | OCE/Asia regional moon clan [Quantum Gladiators] - MR0+ all access moon clans | Newbie friendly ✨ About Celestial and Tempest Gladiators ✨ CelesTempest are twin Mountain Clans with 100% research each. These clans are for MR15+ Tenno who enjoy a more veteran playstyle and are generally the more experienced clans. Tenno from Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and surrounding areas can become Celestial members, while European and American members join Tempest branch. Celestial also has full access to the Ignis Wraith in the Clan Dojo. ✨ About Nightfall, Darkstar, and Aurora Gladiators ✨ Nightfall, Darkstar, and Aurora are triplet Moon Clans with 100% research except for some Pigments. Clan members have access to Ignis Wraith through our Clan Discord. These clans have a minimum MR of 7 to join and are split up by region. Tenno from Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and surrounding areas will become Nightfall members, while Tenno from Europe or the Americas can become Aurora members. Darkstar is the international of the triplet clans and accepts members from any country! ✨ About Solar, Lunar, Radiant, and Quantum Gladiators ✨ SoLuRaQ are Triplet Moon Clans with 100% research. Solar, Lunar, and Radiant are open to ALL tenno of any MR, skill level, playstyle, and from anywhere in the world. Both Clans have 100% research except for some Pigments, and clan members can access Ignis Wraith through our Clan Discord. Just because they don't have an MR cap, doesn't mean they're not full of surprises - the communities in these clans are second to none! ✨ To Join ✨ Head over to our discord server and follow the instructions for quicker responses if you face any issues, don't hesitate and ask me right away on discord for directions "Abdrabbo#1464" or ask in here. Discord: https://discord.gg/GladsLegion Thank you, Tenno! [link] [comments] |
\\\\\ WARNING /////
We're a lively, hoppin' group of socially unstable and quite possibly mentally deranged individuals. We are not therapists. We are not a good influence. Do not take us home to your mother. Do not ask what the name means.
If you're still reading, then by all means... come seal your fate and join our ragtag band of miscreants and scoundrels! Assuming you're not put off by abusive bots, educational insights into crustacean genitalia, or alcohol-fueled discussions about high explosives, you're welcome to join our family of bullshit. We welcome any brand new Warframe players, and if you stick around longer than 3.87 seconds, we'll help you get on your feet and teach you the game! Long-time players are fine too, I guess (just wipe your feet before you come in).
Come hang out and talk with us about Warframe, moronic architectural designers who have no grasp on reality, semen-based mathematics, and more!
If you don't want to join our clan itself, that's totally fine—feel free to join our Discord anyway!
You can still join to chat and use our resources... or you can be one of those creepy lurkers that just sits in the background on mute. We won't judge! Except we totally fucking will.
Our server is fully operational, offering such amenities as:
General discussion, for shooting the shit (I mean, duh, who doesn't have this? Losers, that's who).
Up-to-date updates on Warframe, paraphrased by me!
> Up-to-date-ness taken with a grain of salt...
Getting mental... uh, I mean, Warframe help!
Showcases for your builds or fashionframe!
Ripping off er, Trading with other members! Absolutely nothing shady goes on here. ...Why are you looking at me like that?
Sharing cat gifs! or game deals! or your art! It ain't all about Warframe, even though it mostly is...
And, in case you say anything particularly stupid or embarrassing, don't worry! We got you covered, with a channel specifically for recording every fucked-up thing you say, with next to zero regard for context.
Occasional contests and/or giveaways for active members.
and more!
We also have a metric fuckload of bots that offer server utilities such as:
Alerts/Announcements: sign up for personalized alerts for rare items such as potatoes, forma, wraith/vandal invasions, Cetus Dawn/Sunset, and more, which will ping you in Discord when one of your subscribed items appears. Plus, it'll also let you know when the daily server reset happens, when daily missions reset, and when weekly missions reset. We also have announcements for when Baro arrives to bring Primed Disappointment, and when the Steel Path weekly honors switch over (which you can basically just ignore unless it says "Umbra Forma").
> Ours is custom-made for our server specifically, and the notifications look niiiiice. We put a lot of effort into the aesthetic of things around here.
Activity: Being active in Discord and socializing rewards you, with access to DB clan membership, expanded permissions, contests, competitions, giveaways, special channels etc.
> Our activity bot is also custom-made just for us and does what no other bot around will do—unlike most bots that just track your total posts from all time in a linear fashion (i.e. you only ever go up in rank), our bot is adaptive. It tracks your real-time activity over the past 30 days and assigns you an activity tier based on that (in voice and text activity). It can go up or down. It's super fucking cool.
Self-Roles: There are a variety of self-roles you can apply:
> Mastery Rank: Assigning a mastery rank role will announce your promotion in chat so everyone can not give a fuck congratulate you!
> Quest Progression: List where you're at in Warframe so the rest of us know whether or not to gaslight the fuck out of you about Stalker! ...I mean, what Stalker? Plus it also give you access to the #spoiler_chat
channel to keep lore discussion away from Dreamers' eyes.
> Syndicates: Indicate which syndicate(s) you're a part of, so you can easily ping members of that syndicate to trade or run daily missions.
> WF Mission Groups: Add roles for a variety of mission types such as Sorties, Kuva, Fissures, Arbitrations, Index, Onslaught, Eidolons, Profit-Taker, Exploiter, and more, so that you can easily link up with others who want to play those same missions.
> Other Games: Add other games you play (from our list of commonly-shared games) so you can more easily connect with people to play! But why do that when you can just play Warframe? I mean, come on...
> Time Zone: Adding your time zone will let others know what time to expect you to be awake! ...which of course is "never" because sleep is for the weak.
> and more!
Logging: See when new people join the server, or someone leaves, or when they're banned, or get a new role, etc. Now obviously other servers do that too, but do theirs throw vapid insults at users who leave? Yeah, didn't think so.
Autoresponses: "Fun" call-and-response commands, because who doesn't love a bot that wishes you goodnight, and has a smashing sense of humor? I mean, it also does useful shit too, like telling you the drop locations of warframes or resources, or telling you if a certain prime is vaulted. You can even use it to grab wiki links,, subreddits, Urban Dictionary articles, and more. It's been programmed with over 19,000 lines of response code alone. You can even ask it "Who's playing Warframe?"
Reminders: Set quick reminders for yourself! Want to get a ping when that new warframe is done crafting? You got it!
Oh, and remember that quotes channel I mentioned? Yep, we've even got a bot to pull a random quote back up from the depths to remind you of the dumb shit you said three years ago! Isn't that wonderful?
and more!
We play some other games on the side too:
or whatever the current flavor of the week happens to be...
(Warframe's still our main thing though)
Try DB for 30 days free of charge, after which there are no additional charges either!
Unless you want to buy a shirt.
Yes, we have shirts.
No, it will not help you get laid.
Or at least, it hasn't worked for me yet...
The entire population of Earth#8611
has left the server
> our bot
okay well ya'll are the most rude and unaccommodating people i've never met. nonsensical chatter and unsupportive to newbies. I've seen enough here peace
> ViperDrake, after sending 5 whole messages
my ears... I was not prepared for 30+ pings immediately!
i'm sobbing so it wasn't false advertising
> Codilicious
This is wonderful.
I want to raise a family here.
> Dash Lambda
DISCLAIMER: Signing on entitles you no benefits. You hereby sign over your soul, firstborn child, house (where applicable), your cat, and any spare change on the floor of your car. By joining this server, we are hereby legally entitled to harvest and/or resell your organs upon death or departure from the server. Your Orbiter is now officially the property of Duces Benevolens, its affiliates, and possibly the nearest dairy farm. You waive any rights to protest, reform, or otherwise usurp the government of Lithuania. If you leave and wish to rejoin this server at any time, you will be subject to all laws under the statute of Go Fuck Yourself (§8008135, subsection D), as well as a fifteen thousand (15000) Rubles severance fine. Failure to pay the aforementioned fine will result in death or other possible risk of bodily harm. Do not take Duces Benevolens except as recommended by your doctor. If you experience Duces Benevolens for more than four hours, please seek immediate medical attention.