warframe gameplay

Warframe es un juego de acción gratuito sorprendentemente pulido que cuenta con excelentes imágenes, jugabilidad y valor de repetición. Desafortunadamente, moliendo y ... WARFRAME WIKI: septiembre 2023

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Warframe wiki - Actualizado - GAMEPLAYS de Warframe

 Warframe wiki - Actualizado - GAMEPLAYS de Warframe Los videos de gameplay tienen una presencia cada vez mayor en Internet.                ...

sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2023

Is this Warframe? I remember It differently...

Is this Warframe? I remember It differently...

Same vibe by the way

submitted by /u/ZannaLion
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/XI5B09e
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/F83I1UY September 30, 2023 at 11:04PM

[PC][Alliance][INT][NSFW] DUCES BENEVOLENS: a wretched hive of scum and villainy (new player? old player? random hobo? who cares! all welcome)

\\\\\ WARNING /////



We're a lively, hoppin' group of socially unstable and quite possibly mentally deranged individuals. We are not therapists. We are not a good influence. Do not take us home to your mother. Do not ask what the name means.

If you're still reading, then by all means... come seal your fate join our ragtag band of miscreants and scoundrels! Assuming you're not put off by abusive bots, educational insights into crustacean genitalia, or alcohol-fueled discussions about high explosives, you're welcome to join our family of bullshit. We welcome any brand new Warframe players, and if you stick around longer than 3.87 seconds, we'll help you get on your feet and teach you the game! Long-time players are fine too, I guess (just wipe your feet before you come in).


But don't say I didn't warn ya, fucker!

[[ 18+ ONLY ]]

Come hang out and talk with us about Warframe, shawarma, Norwegian folk dancing, or why Rainbowdash is the best pony.




Clan membership is only offered if you show active participation in Discord for a while first (and, yknow... aren't a douchewaffle).


If you don't want to join our clan itself, that's totally fine! Feel free to join our Discord just for shits.

Clan membership is not required to come hang out.

Our server is fully operational, offering such amenities as:

  • General discussion, for shooting the shit (I mean, duh, who doesn't have this? Losers, that's who).

  • Up-to-date updates on Warframe, paraphrased by me!

    > Cause who really gives a fuck about how they fixed the grammar of the mod description for Rifle Aptitude? I mean seriously...

  • Getting mental... uh, I mean, Warframe help!

  • Showcases for your builds or fashionframe!

  • Ripping off er, Trading with other members! Absolutely nothing shady goes on here. ...Why are you looking at me like that?

  • Sharing cat gifs! or game deals! or your art! It ain't all about Warframe, even though it mostly is...

  • And, in case you say anything particularly stupid or embarrassing, don't worry! We got you covered, with a channel specifically for quoting your every fuckup for posterity.

  • Occasional contests and/or giveaways

  • and more!

We also have a metric fuckload of bots that offer server utilities such as:

  • Alerts/Announcements: sign up for personalized alerts for rare items such as potatoes, forma, wraith/vandal invasions, Cetus Dawn/Sunset, and more, which will ping you in Discord when one of your subscribed items appears. Plus, it'll also let you know when the daily server reset happens, when daily missions reset, and when weekly missions reset. We also have announcements for when Baro arrives to bring Primed Disappointment, and when the Steel Path weekly honors switch over (which you can basically just ignore unless it says "Umbra Forma").

    > Ours is custom-made for our server specifically, and the notifications look niiiiice. We put a lot of effort into the aesthetic of things around here.

  • Activity: Being active in Discord and socializing rewards you, with access to DB clan membership, expanded permissions, contests, competitions, giveaways, special channels etc.

    > Our activity bot is also custom-made just for us and does what no other bot around will do— unlike most bots that just track your total posts from all time in a linear fashion (ie you only ever go up in rank), our bot is adaptive. It tracks your real-time activity over the past 30 days and assigns you an activity tier based on that (in voice and text activity). It can go up or down. It's super fucking cool.

  • Self-Roles: There are a variety of self-roles you can apply:

    > Mastery Rank: Assigning a mastery rank role will announce your promotion in chat so everyone can not give a fuck congratulate you!

    > Quest Progression: List where you're at in Warframe so the rest of us know whether or not to gaslight the fuck out of you about Stalker! ...I mean, what Stalker? Plus it also give you access to the #spoiler_chat channel to keep lore discussion away from Dreamers' eyes.

    > Syndicates: Indicate which syndicate(s) you're a part of, so you can easily ping members of that syndicate to trade or run daily missions.

    > WF Mission Groups: Add roles for a variety of mission types such as Sorties, Kuva, Fissures, Arbitrations, Index, Onslaught, Eidolons, Profit-Taker, Exploiter, and more, so that you can easily link up with others who want to play those same missions.

    > Other Games: Add other games you play (from our list of commonly-shared games) so you can more easily connect with people to play! But why do that when you can just play Warframe? I mean, come on...

    > Time Zone: Adding your time zone will let others know what time to expect you to be awake! ...which of course is "never" because sleep is for the weak.

    > and more!

  • Logging: See when new people join the server, or someone leaves, or when they join/leave a voice channel, or when they're banned, or get a new role, etc. Now obviously other servers do that too, but do theirs throw vapid insults at users who leave? Yeah, didn't think so.

  • Autoresponses: "Fun" call-and-response commands, because who doesn't love a bot that wishes you goodnight, and has a smashing sense of humor? I mean, it also does useful shit too, like telling you the drop locations of certain warframes or resources, or telling you if a certain prime is vaulted. You can even use it to grab wiki links,, subreddits, Urban Dictionary articles, and more. It's been programmed with over 4000 lines of response code alone. You can even ask it "Who's playing Warframe?"

  • Reminders: Set quick reminders for yourself! Want to get a ping when that new warframe is done crafting? You got it!

  • Oh, and remember that quotes channel I mentioned? Yep, we've even got a bot to pull a random quote once a day to remind you of the dumb shit you've said! Isn't that wonderful?

  • and more!

We play some other games on the side too:

(Warframe's still our main thing though)


Try DB for 30 days free of charge, after which there are no additional charges either!

Unless you want to buy a shirt.

Yes, we have shirts.

Yes, you can buy one.

No, it will not help you get laid.

Or at least, it hasn't worked for most of us...

Why wait?! Join DB today! Or don't, y'know, who cares... it's not really... a big deal... or anything... k bye...

DISCLAIMER: Signing on entitles you no benefits. You hereby sign over your soul, firstborn child, house (where applicable), your cat, and any spare change on the floor of your car. By joining this server, we are hereby legally entitled to harvest and/or resell your organs upon death or departure from the server. Your Orbiter is now officially the property of Duces Benevolens, its affiliates, and possibly the nearest dairy farm. You waive any rights to protest, reform, or otherwise usurp the government of Lithuania. If you leave and wish to rejoin this server at any time, you will be subject to all laws under the statute of Go Fuck Yourself (case #8008135, subsection D), as well as a fifteen thousand (15000) Rubles severance fine. Failure to pay the aforementioned fine will result in death or other possible risk of bodily harm. Do not take Duces Benevolens except as recommended by your doctor. If you experience Duces Benevolens for more than four hours, please seek immediate medical attention.

submitted by /u/SasoDuck
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16wfp5l/pcallianceintnsfw_duces_benevolens_a_wretched/

Grendel: Wanna see me stomp the ground to get 1000 HP, 3 buffs and deal 18K damage to this poor grineer?

Grendel: Wanna see me stomp the ground to get 1000 HP, 3 buffs and deal 18K damage to this poor grineer? submitted by /u/Rekindled96
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/ezscTyq
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/g7epcUB September 30, 2023 at 06:15PM

Shitty ass images I made

Shitty ass images I made submitted by /u/hofong159
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/WyflxRn
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/4ZlgHWM September 30, 2023 at 05:09PM

I need help by reposting this on any social media so DE sees this (Im joking about reposting, but it would be funny LMAO)

I need help by reposting this on any social media so DE sees this (Im joking about reposting, but it would be funny LMAO) submitted by /u/Wookie2104
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/QlNhTKD
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/92Ztdm8 September 30, 2023 at 08:19AM

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2023

Devs confirmed its both

Devs confirmed its both submitted by /u/4g3nt_0
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/AS7ZjO1
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/OfnKrI0 September 29, 2023 at 01:06AM


Hehe submitted by /u/These_Situation960
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/BpFvwVa
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/XKuAixh September 28, 2023 at 09:37PM

From latest devstream

From latest devstream submitted by /u/IllegalGuy13
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/FMsb9me
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/qG6gR7N September 28, 2023 at 08:09PM

New frame looks great!!

But seriously why does she have a hole for her face

submitted by /u/Quickwik
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/4LEHhZk
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/yF0ldvD September 28, 2023 at 08:26PM

Just a reminder!

Just a reminder! submitted by /u/Vex_Trooper
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/V5etRyx
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/8t4je5y September 28, 2023 at 06:54PM

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023

Warframe 1499 coming soon?

Warframe 1499 coming soon? submitted by /u/rehhouari
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/XkFHw5R
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/NmLp3M4 September 27, 2023 at 06:36AM

Well its time to die

Well its time to die submitted by /u/GhostKiwiz
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/hCWnI2J
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/3wZVHA8 September 27, 2023 at 07:19AM

Arthur from the Warframe 1999 trailer is submissive and breedable

And I don’t care what anyone says about it. "Oh but we don’t have enough information to know that-" SHUT UP. Just LOOK at him. That cute little bleached undercut giving a perfect excuse to run fingers through his hair, the straps criss-crossing over his suit that make him easier to pull closer and manhandle, that armor around his jaw just asking to be grabbed, his roman nose perfect for planting kisses on… and more than anything, that determined look in his eye. You just KNOW he's lived the life of a warrior, always needing to be strong, never having had the chance to let go and have someone else take control. Just imagine how he'd blush and squirm at the suggestion of being dominated, how he'd pant and whimper as you held him in place... There is no convincing me Arthur is anything other than a hot submissive boytoy twink oh my GOD I want to slam this man into a wall hard enough to make Varzia run for cover.

And the best part is, you don't need to worry about him feeling threatened or coerced into submission, because he is armed and armored to such an extent he could probably raze entire cities (which makes dominating him even hotter). If there is a universe where Arthur would eagerly consent to any of this I will teleport to that universe faster than Gauss can get stuck on a doorframe. I am going to make this fictional man whimper for me and there is nothing any of you can do about it

submitted by /u/TheJelliestFish
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/aWxm49t
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/pg9a4tl September 27, 2023 at 04:03AM

I Honestly Didn't Intend to Kill All of Your Men, Vor; but the Bubble Did the Bwoo-woohp

I Honestly Didn't Intend to Kill All of Your Men, Vor; but the Bubble Did the Bwoo-woohp submitted by /u/SaltyNorth8062
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/URX4oT9
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/espTV6O September 26, 2023 at 11:09AM

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Do It For Her

Do It For Her submitted by /u/CephalonImp
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/1XH3aQp
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/j15eKWv September 26, 2023 at 04:43AM

[INT][PC][CLAN] Royal Destiny United is Recruiting!

Royal Destiny United (MR3+ Moon clan, 900+ members):

We are a large PC Warframe clan that leans towards casual and newer players, but veterans are very welcome!

What We Can Offer You

  • An active, international clan with a decorated dojo for you to explore
  • We also have 100% completed Research and Labs (including Ignis Wraith!)

The Royal Destiny Discord

  • Our joint alliance Discord contains over 4000 members from all over the globe.
  • Many channels for both voice chat and text conversations covering all sorts of topics and focuses. Memes, events, squadding, the works.
  • Multiple bots for all sorts of purposes, such as music, minigames, assigning roles, creating temporary voice channels, pinging alerts, and much, much more.
  • They can also help keep you up to date on ingame alerts state changes

How to Join

Just follow the steps below to apply for an invite to the PC clan.

  1. Join our Discord through this link
  2. Use the "/apply" command for the bot named Kon, either in a DM with the bot, or in any channel on the server 2b. If you are joining a friend already in the clan, make sure to include their ingame name

If you are already in a clan we cannot send you any invites, so please leave your old clan when applying.

Note: Before joining, ensure you have messages from server members enabled so the bot can PM you, as well as "Show Embeds"

submitted by /u/hoojiwana
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16ryzvn/intpcclan_royal_destiny_united_is_recruiting/

The Tenno try a new way of hunting!

The Tenno try a new way of hunting! submitted by /u/Vex_Trooper
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/NwTOp69
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/iAQTcqS September 25, 2023 at 06:07PM

domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023

How it feels after getting everything (I don't know if someone already came with this idea)

How it feels after getting everything (I don't know if someone already came with this idea) submitted by /u/Wrong-Development911
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/CBAax50
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/CHUosS8 September 25, 2023 at 06:29AM

I love playing Inaros, but everyone says I’m crazy.

I love playing Inaros, but everyone says I’m crazy.

Every frame is good if you take the time to build them right. The only thing Inaros is bad for is Endurance runs past 3 hours, but I don’t play those anyway. Try him out with Arcane Grace, he’s fantastic for passive tanking!

submitted by /u/MuzzledDrake
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/LkNqcjl
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/yORIGUQ September 24, 2023 at 09:07PM

[MR30] I main Inaros, but people give me grief when I say that :(

[MR30] I main Inaros, but people give me grief when I say that :( submitted by /u/MuzzledDrake
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/TdMEZB1
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/rH3z8dx September 24, 2023 at 06:47PM

My favourite girls 🤧

My favourite girls 🤧

Quick sketch

submitted by /u/Tea_BALKON
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/Mlonm8N
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/qGWV814 September 24, 2023 at 05:00PM

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2023

Average Arbitration Defence

Average Arbitration Defence submitted by /u/Art42209
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/Zzfsnq4
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/Vkef53W September 24, 2023 at 02:22AM

[EU][PC][Clan] - Darkmoons Eclipse

Are you ready to dive into the universe of Warframe and experience thrilling battles alongside a close-knit group of fellow players? Look no further! We are a small clan (under 10) on the European servers, seeking both new and seasoned players to join our ranks.

Who are we

We are a friendly and casual Warframe clan, comprised of a handful of dedicated players who share a passion for this amazing game. Our focus is on creating a supportive and welcoming community where all players can flourish, regardless of their experience level. Whether you're a fledgling Tenno or a seasoned veteran, you'll find a home with us.

What do we offer

• A warm and inclusive community: We believe that Warframe is more enjoyable when played with friends. Expect a friendly atmosphere, full of helpful and understanding clanmates.

• Casual Gameplay: We understand that real life can sometimes take precedence. No strict requirements or schedules here – play at your own pace and have fun!

• Dojo Decoration: If you have an artistic flair and enjoy decorating spaces, our clan is seeking talented dojo decorators to help us make our hub a visually stunning place to hang out.

Clan Activities

While we are a casual clan, we still enjoy various activities within Warframe, such as:

• Co-op Missions: Team up with fellow clan members to tackle challenging missions and earn amazing rewards.

• Clan Events: Participate in special events and contests organized by the clan for a chance to win unique prizes.

• Trading and Assistance: Share resources, mods, and valuable knowledge with each other to help everyone progress.

How to Join

Joining our clan is simple! If you're interested in becoming a part of our growing Warframe family, follow these steps:

Join the discord server ( aS3twmyjT6 ) , then send your in game information

Once you're settled in, we'll send you an in-game clan invitation, and you'll officially become a member of our awesome clan!

🚨 Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of our fantastic Warframe adventure. Whether you're a Tenno-in-training or a battle-hardened veteran, we'd love to have you with us. Together, we'll conquer the Origin System and create lasting memories!

🔍 Clan Name: Darkmoons Eclipse

📍 Server: EU , PC

📅 Activity: Casual

🛋️ Dojo Decorators Welcome!

submitted by /u/ItzWolfy97
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16qdvyr/eupcclan_darkmoons_eclipse/


POV:Warframe submitted by /u/Diablo200555r
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/PtVODwo
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/5D1yLJR September 23, 2023 at 09:50PM

Grendel suits everyone!😉

Grendel suits everyone!😉 submitted by /u/Repulsive-Comfort575
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/rcbWFpm
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/yUreXK4 September 23, 2023 at 06:06PM

[INT][PC][Clan] Apex Legions - A casual clan for the masses.

Who are we?

PC clans are serious business, or so we’ve been told. No, we don’t really believe it either. In our opinion, a clan should be a group of people who hang around chatting about nothing very important, help their fellow Tenno throughout the Solar System and occasionally get together to run relics until your eyes bleed.

Are you looking for an organised, impressive Clan filled with lots of serious players? You like clans where the clan leaders are Eidolon pros, and anyone less than MR10 is kicked to the curb? Well, we do have a few pros but if that’s all you’re looking for I think you're in the wrong place!

Welcome to Apex Legions, a casual clan for the masses. Just good plain fun.

What can our Clan offer you?

  • No entry requirements!
  • Fully researched dojo
  • A casual approach to Warframe
  • A lighthearted, bantering environment to enjoy the game
  • Friendly and welcoming to new and experienced players
  • We have people from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures. All are welcomed
  • We understand people have lives outside the game so we only remove inactive members (30+ days) to make room for new players
  • Our Dojo is extensive and fully upgraded
  • Friendly Discord
  • 100% research
  • Dry Dock

How to Join?

Join our discord https://discord.gg/r8ZaWUD and @Staff to get an invite in game. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

submitted by /u/ApexLegionsWF
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16pzrr9/intpcclan_apex_legions_a_casual_clan_for_the/

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2023

Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this.

Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this. submitted by /u/Zla_Gad
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/JGAX086
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/B4RhkZX September 23, 2023 at 01:35AM

[INT][PSN][CLAN] TCT is recruiting great Tenno! We want active tenno like you to join our Mountain Clan ! SQUAD UP! 18+

[TCT] clan is looking to grow! PS4/5 Only, 18+

✨Rank 11 Mountain Clan ✨100% Research ✨Dry Dock ✨Discord Giveaways ✨21 Day Inactivity Limit ✨Clan Emblem ✨18+ ✨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

  • Are you a cool dude or dudette?
  • Are you a non-toxic player?
  • Are you supportive and helpful?
  • Are you an active WF player?
  • Do you want people to play with?

Boy-oh-boy do I have good news for you!

Tomorrow Comes Today [TCT] is non-toxic, LGBTIAQ+ friendly & primarily NA clan that wants to make our clan bigger and expand internationally with many active fun players that want to play events, join endurance runs and help people farm (whatever it is you need to farm).


Are you looking for a community based on community spirit? Are you tired of elitism, rage-quitting and impossible expectations? Are you fed up with gimmicks and overacting for the sake of attention?

We have the place for YOU!

TCTGaming is a beacon amidst the latest trends, founded on values that may be long-forgotten elsewhere. If you are a gamer, new or old, who believes in the values of community, friendship and family, WE WANT YOU!


I am recruiting specifically for Warframe PS4/5 and we are trying to build our International player base so we can have people playing at all times around the world.

100% research done.


Joining is as simple as eating pie. Join our Discord using our invite link. The rules are simple and I can always help. My name on here, the Discord server and my PSN is SunnyPigtails. Other Warlords to seek out are spikesdg321, panteonezln, zachary0001. There isn't an application so that's even easier. Once you're on the Discord channel we can take it from there. Can't wait to see you!

Discord access & active in-game are requirements

submitted by /u/Realbigbins
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16pe6y0/intpsnclan_tct_is_recruiting_great_tenno_we_want/

The Conclave demands a sacrifice...willing or not...

The Conclave demands a sacrifice...willing or not... submitted by /u/Vex_Trooper
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/0Frn3fL
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/eJ0uYsn September 22, 2023 at 05:50PM

Fk Garesh

Fk Garesh submitted by /u/Vyt3x
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/mIeVLKT
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/TNDA2Lp September 22, 2023 at 03:04PM

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2023

There’s not only child abuse

There’s not only child abuse submitted by /u/NinjaMaster231456
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/lr1EJ3h
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/mTB1D0e September 22, 2023 at 03:17AM

[PC][INT][CLAN] Royal Destiny Academy is Recruiting!

Royal Destiny Academy (MR1+ Moon clan, 550+ members):

Royal Destiny Academy is perfect for players looking for an chill friendly environment that offers a playful experience and content for both casual and veteran players, while still keeping the quality standard of the Royal Destiny community. Newer player are welcome to join, learn, and feel welcomed into RD community.

What We Can Offer You

  • An active community, full of active and helpful members.
  • An international clan with membership from all over the globe.
  • Our very large and enjoyable dojo.
  • Research and Labs are 100% completed in all of our clans, so everything is available to you.

The Royal Destiny Discord

  • Our large community Discord contains over 4000 members from all over the globe.
  • Lots of channels for both voice chat and text conversations for all sorts of topic discussions and focuses. Memes, events, squadding, the works.
  • Keeping you up to date on alerts and announcements from our community leaders.
  • Multiple bots for all sorts of purposes, such as music, minigames, assigning roles, creating temporary voice channels, pinging alerts, and much, much more.

How to Join

Everything sound good to you? Awesome! Now follow the steps below to apply for an invite to one of our clans.

  1. Pick Royal Destiny Academy clan to join.
  2. Join our Discord through this link.
  3. PM the bot named Kon or type in the Royal Destiny discord anywhere with “/apply”.

Note: Before joining, ensure you have messages from server members enabled so the bot can PM you.

Other information

Royal Destiny Website

submitted by /u/Quatteh_Heegee
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16oq1ia/pcintclan_royal_destiny_academy_is_recruiting/

Where my Penta enjoyers at?

Where my Penta enjoyers at? submitted by /u/SeiekiDealer
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/EHnwuLW
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/PdYp8hZ September 21, 2023 at 10:19PM

I Mastered every Frame, and then ranked them by the most important metric available: Their Passive (Posted here because I'm blind and didn't notice tierlists aren't allowed on the main sub)

I Mastered every Frame, and then ranked them by the most important metric available: Their Passive (Posted here because I'm blind and didn't notice tierlists aren't allowed on the main sub) submitted by /u/TriadHero117
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/kYHqWr7
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/0uoDSGe September 21, 2023 at 08:38PM

This is outragous!

This is outragous! submitted by /u/Laireso
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/ytk3re0
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/uQvE9e4 September 21, 2023 at 02:58PM

if this is real Shadow Stalker, then Tenno we are screwed [Mods]

if this is real Shadow Stalker, then Tenno we are screwed [Mods] submitted by /u/Winter-Flow
[link] [comments]

from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/ciDmMxp
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/USLleN5 September 21, 2023 at 09:09AM

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2023

Lavos Jumpscare

Lavos Jumpscare submitted by /u/eviladvances
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/KQbTa9c
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/1y9pjmz September 21, 2023 at 04:02AM

Just like real cats, getting in the way

Just like real cats, getting in the way submitted by /u/Caroline_15
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/FCigXbn
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/4SQDfzn September 21, 2023 at 12:43AM

[NA][PC][Clan] - The Notoriety Club

Formed in 2018 as a Red Dead Redemption 2 clan, The Notoriety Club has expanded into various games across various platforms in multiple countries.

Based out of North America, we have members that stretch the globe and different timezones. We are a mature, active and competitive gaming community who recruits like minded members. Although we have filthy casuals across lots of genres, when we make the decision as community leadership to support a game, we will form competitive teams within that division.

If you are interested in joining our Warframe division, please send me a message on discord, my username is: toadle

You can also visit our discord (if linking out isn't allowed, let me know) here: https://discord.gg/EZAATGHUwW

If you have any questions, I don't check my reddit that often so just find me on discord please and thank you.

submitted by /u/fshlrp
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/warframeclanrecruit/comments/16nstfu/napcclan_the_notoriety_club/

New one of pain (spoiler)

submitted by /u/obalamb
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/DL3U2IO
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/8Qj5CME September 20, 2023 at 08:36AM

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2023

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

Me when Hydrolyst

Me when Hydrolyst submitted by /u/Yell_Yell
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/RfAZBKX
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/CI9zxyd September 19, 2023 at 03:12AM

To those of you who cry about those "Scammers"

To those of you who cry about those "Scammers" submitted by /u/SecuredAd
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/vk1JY0f
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/xV8gPna September 19, 2023 at 02:18AM

Every time I get 100 Endo mission rewards in Steel Path Missions...

Every time I get 100 Endo mission rewards in Steel Path Missions... submitted by /u/Pendulon
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/E3JoZS6
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/FdUL4c8 September 18, 2023 at 11:19PM

There is no meme, devstream's next Thursday. Don't miss yer tauforgeds and start thinking of memes

There is no meme, devstream's next Thursday. Don't miss yer tauforgeds and start thinking of memes submitted by /u/Akiiden
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/XCu15f0
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/0kWVl1a September 18, 2023 at 08:27PM

What's a sentence that you always read in Cephalon Simeris's voice?

What's a sentence that you always read in Cephalon Simeris's voice?

For me it's gotta be all those "you're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?" tipe of things

submitted by /u/Gektor_Flektor
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/QI8s07V
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/sGXD4YO September 18, 2023 at 08:19PM

domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2023

Id like to submit a new contender into this war

Id like to submit a new contender into this war submitted by /u/WorldOnWarframe
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/h8Bpdn4
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/4OVQyFf September 18, 2023 at 12:24AM

How to have fun while farming in WF:-

How to have fun while farming in WF:- submitted by /u/Zixe_4993
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/pzk1jth
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/xVHrMOR September 17, 2023 at 08:14PM

he is a mere trespasser on my sacred porch (help)

he is a mere trespasser on my sacred porch (help) submitted by /u/IllusionFusion32
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/9kwiCjx
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/digQs4P September 17, 2023 at 03:29PM

Both are trash

Both are trash submitted by /u/ScarHydreigon87
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/FHJ69bh
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/KzZOaLd September 17, 2023 at 03:01PM

I got Mirage Prime the other day and she's already one of my favourite frames

I got Mirage Prime the other day and she's already one of my favourite frames submitted by /u/No_Welcome_7191
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/I8BjO3v
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/FvDIKxL September 17, 2023 at 08:55AM

sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2023

DE: Why don't players use guns that require you to aim? Also DE:

DE: Why don't players use guns that require you to aim? Also DE:


The numbers making aiming impossible are on by default and set to take up the most room possible on your screen (not on compact mode). You have to turn them off manually. I literally could not finish my sanctuary run because it was making me nauseous. I basically haven't played since duviri dropped so I'm assuming this is not a new thing but at the same time I still haven't seen anyone mention it.

submitted by /u/The_Lucky_7
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/oL6ncGv
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/ilJ46xH September 17, 2023 at 12:20AM

The best kind of over the top

The best kind of over the top submitted by /u/NinjaMaster231456
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/tH5PWNf
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/WXosQfP September 16, 2023 at 08:09PM

My sanity fading away after running so many Orokin vaults (I still don’t have heavy caliber)

My sanity fading away after running so many Orokin vaults (I still don’t have heavy caliber) submitted by /u/bonzerlizard353
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from Memeframe xDD (BRUH) https://ift.tt/uKnFDfJ
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/EFkpJSV September 16, 2023 at 03:12PM

Warframe Wiki | Todo lo que necesitas saber en 30s!!!